GAL 2022 Update

Howdy, Geek-A-Long Family! Jac here to say hello and drop in quick announcement. First and foremost, hello. What’s up? Did you watch Hocus Pocus 2 yet? BECAUSE I HAVEN’T. I promised to watch it with our little sister Alena first, and she had the audacity to spend the past two days doing HOMEWORK. Like, sure. Becoming an account to help the family business and further your own career is awesome, but have you considered that it’s spooky season? We have movies to watch and cider to drink.

All sillies aside, I should probably get to the real reason why I’m here instead of the next GAL sock announcement.

The yarn side of Lattes & Llamas is struggling right now. Our family was hit with three losses between the end of August through September, and one funeral took us out of town for a week. So, while we’ve had lots of time to sit and knit — to process our feelings through yarn and sharing memories — we are insanely behind on dying yarn. So much so that there’s no point in announcing the theme of the last sock of 2022 if you can’t even purchase the yarn.

Currently, our plan for the next two weeks is to catch up on orders, restock Vacation and Geek-A-Long, and dye up the colorways for the socks. Which means, the theme announcement is being pushed to October 16th. We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we get our shit together, especially those of you who had to/or are waiting on orders.


A little peak behind the curtain: part of our problem is space. We outgrew our studio a long time ago. There isn’t enough room for more pots or to store the stock we need to hold, so we’re constantly treading water, performing a synchronized swim when what we need to do is make it to the other shore. We’re ready for a bigger space, preferably a place with a storefront for you to visit, but we had to use all of our bigger-space savings in 2020 and 2021 to keep the lights on and feed our families. We’re luckier than most; we didn’t go under. But it did ruin all of our carefully laid plans.

The storefront was gonna be awesome too: half coffee shop, half yarn store. Generally magical.

We’ll get there one day.

5 thoughts on “GAL 2022 Update

  1. Pixie Brearley says:

    I am okay with this, as I have only finished one Pokemon sock so far. LOL Do what you need to do, we will still be here when you are done.

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