Taking a Break from Breaks

Megan-Anne and I like to take Lattes & Llamas on the road in the spring. We have a volley of yarn shows between the end of February and beginning of April that we like to set-up shop at and meet you guys in person. But, as a few of you have noticed, we’re taking it easy this year and won’t be attending any of them. One of the reasons is that Mabel the Merciless (Megan-Anne’s daughter/ my niece) is cognizant enough to know that we’re gone, but not enough to understand why her mom can’t come home and read her Dragons Love Tacos before bed. The other reason is that I have some health stuff going on that makes it impossible for me to be far away from doctor’s office. We talked about Megan-Anne going to the knitting conventions by herself, but setting up our booth is a two-lady job. Those grates are freaking heavy!


Side Note: I’m not dying or anything remotely close to that, so no worries. I’m just not ready to talk about it yet. Although, I probably will before the year is out.

I thought I would enjoy taking a break from the yarn show circuit, even if it was forced. We finally have time to work on the other cryptid themed mystery knit-alongs we’d been planning since Hunting Sasquatch. The Nessie Expedition is well underway and the next one is ready to launch soon after it. I’ve even had time to work on my super secret project, which I refuse to tell Megan-Anne about. It’s killing her not to know, but she’s gonna have to wait with the rest of you until I’m ready to reveal it. And even though I have time to do all this awesome stuff that I’m proud of and have been dying (heh heh, indie dyer puns) to work on, I can’t help but feel a little empty. And then it hit me…

I have the weird yarn show version of empty nest syndrome.

Getting to meet you guys in person is my favorite thing about attending yarn shows. Alright, so the real number one reason is having Indian food delivered to our hotel room and eating it in bed while we knit and watch animal documentaries, but that’s besides the point. I miss you guys.

In an effort to fill the knitting convention shaped hole in my heart, we’re planning a local yarn store tour! Granted they’ll all be within a few hours drive of my house in the suburbs of Philly, but I’m looking on the bright side here. This whole taking a break thing is for the birds. Let’s hang out!

First on our list is Frame and Fiber. Megan-Anne and I will be there April 19th during the New Jersey Wool Walk. We have way too much fun with the ladies there, see also Paige’s vlog starting at the 7:52 minute mark. We’ll have a barrage of yarn with us for you to see in person and if you have any knitting related questions, Megan-Anne is a sucker for helping people. You can check out Frame and Fiber on Instagram, Facebook, or in person at 1004 Trenton Avenue, Point Pleasant, New Jersey.

Woolbearers is the next stop on our tour. This adorably pink yarn shop is located on 90 High Street in Mount Holly, New Jersey and is actually one of our new stockists!


We’ll be at Woolbearers on June 9th for World Wide Knit in Public Day. Megan-Anne will be teaching two colorwork classes, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. She’ll talk to you more about it and the yarn store as the event approaches. In the meanwhile, head on over there and check out our Interlude Yarn in person! I’m so excited that they’ve joined the L&L family. The owner, Myra, is a sweetheart and I feel lucky to have Interlude join her wonderful selection yarns.

We have a few other events in the works, and we’ll be sure to update you on where and when they’ll be once we have the dates finalized. For those of you outside our radius, we don’t want you to feel left out. Let us know what your favorite local yarn store is and we’ll do our best to arrange for a special trunk show.


Me, six months ago: I’m an introvert. I’d rather be at home knitting and Netflixing.

Me, after being told I have to stay home: I need to go out into the world. I need to meet new knitters and crocheters. I can’t be inside this house for one more second. I need adventure!

3 thoughts on “Taking a Break from Breaks

  1. Nicole says:

    Gah! There’s a yarn shop with your yarn in Mt. Holly and I didn’t go there when we were visiting my MIL last month? Sad. I’ll just have to go there next time I’m visiting, though since I live on the West Coast that doesn’t happen as often as it could. (5 hour plane flights, assuming we manage to fly direct & non-stop. *shudder*)

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