Welcome to week 10 of the 2021 Geek-A-Long! I feel like the first 10 weeks flew by, I can’t believe we are almost 1/2 way through the sweater!

I’m know that I experience Geek-A-Long time differently – I am showing you mine in retrospective. It’s nearly September and I’m hard at work on next year’s GAL (sorry, no spoilers just yet). It just struck me as crazy today when I logged on to write this post and upload the pattern to Ravelry that we are 10 weeks in and I don’t know where the time went.

In related news, Mabel the Merciless starts Kindergarten in 17 days and I am not emotionally prepared for that. She’ll be attending in person which is stressful. I think she desperately needs to be with other kids (and away from Jac and I – she is getting to be more like us with every passing day, which is adorable but also frightening), and her school has a universal masking mandate, but I really wish her age group could get vaccinated. Speaking of, if you are over the age of 12 and haven’t gotten your vaccine yet, please for the love of all that is good and wooly, get the shot. I’m guessing the Venn Diagram of people who read my blog and are anti vaxxers is really slim, but on the off chance that hearing it here helps: Get. Vaxxed. This concludes my Ted Talk.
I’m super proud of Mabel, she’s extatic to start school, though when asked what she most looks forward to she said “making potions” so I’m worried that she’ll be a bit disappointed by the public school curriculum. I got into embroidery over the last few years, and she has been following in my footsteps with a new interest in cross stitching:
There’s not a ton to share about this week’s clue. We will finish up that larger blue section for the “Go To Jail” square on the Monopoly Board, and as far as chart difficulty goes it will be smooth sailing for the next few weeks. There will still be some color pops and duplicate stitching, but much smaller sections. Pat yourself on the back because you’ve gotten to the other side of the most challenging part of the body, and can look forward to relaxing and enjoying the game reveals as we creep closer to the sleeve join!

Released so far:
- 2021 Geek-A-Long Sweater: On Board Project Sheet.
- 2021 Geek-A-Long Sweater FAQ
- Practice Swatch 1: Electric Company
- Practice Swatch 2: Railroad
- Clue 1
- Clue 2
- Clue 3
- Clue 4
- Clue 5
- Clue 6
- Clue 7
- Clue 8
- Clue 9
View On Board: Clue 10 by clicking this link or download it by clicking the button below. When you download the pattern from our website instead of through Ravelry, you will NOT receive automatic updates. You will have to come here and download the next clue every time. Please download it via Raverly if you are able, so you have immediate access to the clues as they are released and any errata that may appear.
The other night Mabel asked what an emoji is. So I was trying to explain that it’s a picture that can be used to convey a mood, and Mabel (who has been watching a lot of Owl House) said “oh, like a glyph”. Then she pretended to make a glyph that could summon a tiny dragon. It was the proudest moment of my parenting tenure. Also, she’s going to be SUPER disappointed that kindergarten is not at Hogwarts.
That’s so cute that she said “like a glyph.” I was explaining to my 7yo son that our other son’s name would have been Beatrix if he had been a girl. My 7yo, who reads a lot of Asterix, then said, “Beatrix…is that a Gaul name?”