I am thrilled to formally announce the fourth installment in our Cryptid Knit series: Call of the Siren.
Call of the Siren is an adventure filled knit and seek mystery knit along in the same style as Hunting Sasquatch and Nessie Expedition. But we’re shaking things up this time! Put down your sock needles, because this is a shawl project that combines mosaic and double knitting for a five week odyssey.
May 25th – Clue 1: Our odyssey begins in the coastal town of Ocean City as we cast on our shawls and check in with Dr. Persephone Kore, the head of the Aquatic Division of Lattes & Llamas Society for Knitterly Cryptid Studies.
June 1st – Clue 2: Our first siren sighting as we begin the first double knit section of our shawls.
June 8th – Clue 3: Texture abounds as the plot deepens on the disappearance of Dr. Persephone Kore.
June 15th – Clue 4: Our second siren sighting as we head further out to sea and begin the second double knit section.
June 22nd – Clue 5: The odyssey concludes in Ocean City with German Short Rows.
As with any journey a knitting cryptozoologist embarks upon, you’ll need supplies and ample preparation. Megan-Anne and I got your back! The Call of the Siren kit comes with two specially dyed skeins of Vacation Yarn, designed to give you all the excitement of doing color work with a bazillion mini-skeins without any of the pain and heartache of weaving in ends. As the bright turquoise shifts to a dark brown-black as you knit, the other yarn cake will move from a dark orange to the color of sand. Each hue is designed to compliment the other as you knit your shawl. Additionally, you’ll get handmade, beaded stitch markers that embody the theme and match your yarn along with the Call of the Siren pattern.
Dyer’s Note from Megan-Anne:
There aren’t any knots in our gradient yarn cakes. We know it is practice with some yarn companies to tie mini skeins together to make them, but we don’t do that. We take the time to hand-dye each knitted blank and then wind those blanks into cakes. Check out the Nessie Expedition Kit for a pic with an example of our technique.
Order before May 15th to receive two of our new Yarn Bras before they go on sale! Made with stretchy mermaid fabric, Yarn Bras give your yarn cakes the support they desperately need. No more having the outside tail come untucked and getting tangled. The Yarn Bra keeps everything where it should be! Also, it looks super cute. This special offer is valid while supplies last, so don’t wait to order your Call of the Siren kit!
If you choose not to purchase the kit, the pattern will be available by itself for $6.00 USD on Ravelry and you’ll need two sharply contrasting colors of fingering weight yarn. We will NOT be offering the specialty gradient yarn, stitch markers, or this particular Yarn Bra outside of the kits.
Call of the Siren shawl is an intermediate knit and we recommend that you have experience with double knitting. Gauge is not important on the mosaic portions of the shawl, but it is important on the double knitting sections. You will need to take the time to check your gauge in double knitting to determine your needle size for the project.
See you back here next friday (May 18th) for an in depth lesson from Megan-Anne on mosaic stitch. You’ll learn how to carry your yarn up several rows and how to work elongated stitches into the rows below.
Happy Mermay, Ya’ll!
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I absolutely love this series – so much fun!