1. Hyrule – Limited Edition Geek-A-Long Yarn
Order yours now, because Megan-Anne is releasing a one-skein wonder sock pattern on Saint Patrick’s Day using this beautiful hand-dyed yarn, which will only be available until the end of March. She’s been teasing pictures of the sock on her Instagram, but you’ll be able to snag the pattern this Friday.
2. Baah-Free Yarn
I am currently in love with this base. You might’ve read my knitshame about it last week, and my growing affections towards it have not wavered. My plans for tonight consist of casting off my textured cowl while I watch the Great British Bake Off and think about what kind of pie I’ll be baking for Pi Day tomorrow. You can get a hand painted skein of it for yourself for 17% off HERE.
3. Escape Yarn
I am so excited about the new variegated colorways we added to this base. I have a one-skein knitting pattern I’m working up in my head for it, but I can’t decide which color to use! Which do you like better, Lumberjane?
Or British Bake Off?
I want to treat myself to knitting with it on my birthday, but I just can’t decide between the two colorways! Either way, you can pick one for yourself here for 17% off now through this Friday.
4. Geek-A-Long Yarn
Last, but definitely not least, is Geek-A-Long Yarn. You can grab your week 12 Geek-A-Long colorways, Invisible Jet and Deepsea Speedo, for half off HERE today only.
And, just in case you were wondering, yes. The picture above is your spoiler for week 12! Happy knitting, my friends.
If you’re in Maryland this weekend and ready to get out of the house (Isn’t it March? Why the heck are we getting a blizzard tomorrow?), Megan-Anne and I will be at the Homespun Yarn Party in Savage, Maryland from noon to 5 PM. Admission is free! Come say hello. :D
Happy birthday!
I also love LumberJane. :)