Count Down to Knit One

Last night, I dreamt of mini-skeins. They were everywhere. Normally when I dream about yarn, it’s a Scrooge McDuck scenario and I’m swan-diving into a vault of rub-on-your-face soft skeins. It’s delightful really, especially since I can dive underneath like it’s water and I’m not allergic to angora. But, my mini-skein fueled dream wasn’t anything like that this time. Instead, I was in the studio, hand dying bases like it was any other day.

I suppose it isn’t the worst thing in the world to spend a dream doing that thing you love. But every time I thought I finished and was about to treat myself to some quality time with my knitting, Megan-Anne would cart in another box of yarn from the mill. She’d laugh and say, “You missed one!” Then, I’d sigh and get back to work, never questioning where all these boxes were coming from.

I’m pretty sure I worked a ten hour day in my dreams last night, which was why it was totally okay that I snuck in a few rows this morning before — you guessed it — dying more mini-skeins. I sipped a cup of coffee and pretended like I was a fast knitter, who totally has the speed to finish this tee before Friday. And since Megan-Anne had actually done the lion’s share of the dye work over the weekend while I had the flu, I convinced her to play hooky with me by luring her in with a latte and bacon. I’m a terrible influence on people. It’s probably why my subconscious forced me to work in my dreams last night.

[Pictured below: The work-in-progress tee I’m designing with our Vacation Yarn. I’m in love with this color!]

Why the mini-skein mania? Other than the fact that everything is 20% cooler when its tiny, see also mini eclairs, little socks, and this list of cute wittle things, Megan-Anne and I are heading over to Pittsburgh this Saturday for Lattes & Llamas first trunk show! We’ll be at Knit One from 10AM to 5PM with a literal trunk full of the little buggers along with kits, patterns, full hanks of yarn, and a special new item: COFFEE MUGS!

At every show Megan-Anne and I have been too, they want to know where we’re hiding the coffee. Unfortunately for them (and us), we haven’t made it to the yarn store / coffee shop phase of our ten year plan yet. But these mugs are putting us one step closer! And they feature one of our favorite mantras.

Drown your troubles in coffee and yarn.

If you want to get your hands on this mug, you’ll have to stop by Knit One in Pittsburgh this Saturday. They’ll be available to purchase in our online store in the coming weeks.

Coffee Mug Side 1

Coffee Mug Side 2

I only drink from this mug now.

Okay, back to yarn.

The reason why Megan-Anne and I caught mini-skein mania, other than the aforementioned cuteness, Knit One is hosting a KAL in July using Melanie Berg’s On the Spice Market pattern. It calls for six minis and one full skein for the main color. It’s a beautiful shawl, and if it hadn’t taken me a year just to finish my last garment, I’d totally jump on that bandwagon. In the meanwhile, the closest I’ll get to knitting the shawl is providing the Pittsburgh area with enough yarn to make theirs.

If shawls aren’t your thing, I know some people have very strong feelings against them, Megan-Anne will be teaching an Advanced Colorwork in Socks class from 2PM-4PM for only $10! Spaces are limited, so sign up now. I hope to see you there! I’ll be the one maybe wearing, but probably still knitting a Rusty Venture colored tee. ;)

~ Jac
Sometimes in my Scrooge-McDuck-esque yarn dreams, Dean Winchester is there with a plate of fine cheeses for me. If I’m very lucky, Dorian Pavus makes cappuccinos for us.

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