And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the announcement of who will win all this swag!

The bag and needle case were courtesy of Kelly Connor Designs while the other items were handmade by Megan-Anne and I.
We used a random number generator to chose the winner. (High tech, I know.) And the computer picked Trudy! Congratulations, Trudy! You should have an email from us waiting in your inbox.
For those of you who are bummed about missing out on this awesome horde, there is still plenty of time to join the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry and get in on our year-end prizes there.
~ Jac
Stay caffeinated, my friends.
Thank you so much! I am 50-something years old and this is seriously the first time I have ever won anything! I just started knitting last October and feel so fortunate to have found this blog! My daughter is a very proud nerd…she even works at Comicon and AnimeBoston, so I’m making the GAL blanket for her! (shhh! it’s a surprise!) ;)
Just got my package! Again thank you! Love it!
You’re welcome!