This Pi.
Welcome to week ten of the 2014 Geek-A-Long, a mystery blanket knit-along (or crochet-along for you rebels out there)! If you’re new to the GAL craziness, check out the Geek-A-Long FAQ page for more details and information. Then, meet us back here when you’re ready. For the seasoned pros, let’s talk about March 14 — Pi Day.
I really enjoyed making this one. I love the color combo and the pattern was interesting enough to keep me engaged throughout the square. Of course, it’s not reversible, and I really do like the ones that are “right” on both sides. Still, I think this one is in my top ten favorites for the whole blanket.
Post Edited for 5 Year Anniversary
This post has been edited to add an updated version of the Pi pattern to celebrate five years of geeking along. The graph is the same, but the pattern now includes more information. You can download the new Pi Pattern by clicking the link. Instructions for both knit and crochet are now listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong! This now concludes the edited portion of this post.

Don’t forget to post links to your finished squares, so we can all ooh and ah together and if you’re having trouble with double-knitting, Jac and I recently shot a how-to video on the subject. You can find it here. There is also a Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry where we have prizes! ::insert eyebrow wiggle here:: As always, please hop on over to Child’s Play and show them your love*!
~ Megan-Anne
No son, pie are round. Cornbread are square.
*”Love” in this instance means donating money to benefit sick children.
Thank you, Thank you! I am a high school Math Teacher and I was hoping this would be your theme for this week!
We couldn’t resist! Pi Day is the best day and we’ll have another Pi related post on the actual day. :D
I can never think about PIE without thinking of Dean Winchester and his love for all pie.
Same here!
Pingback: A Pi Day Miracle: Veronica Mars | Lattes and Llamas
Pingback: Nothing much | Bitchin' Caustic Ruminations
Pingback: 2014 Geek-A-Long: DNA | Lattes and Llamas
Pingback: Free Pi Day Knitting Patterns | In the Loop Knitting
Pingback: Ravelry | March Themed Patterns | Fibre & Fabrics