Some people go to their local yarn stores for knit night or meet up somewhere cool like Barnes and Noble, but not Jac and me. We haven’t been cool kids since 2000 and late. See also my use of the phrase “2000 and late.”
Once a week we declare that it’s knit night, so that we can watch trashy television in peace without the judgmental eyes of our husbands witnessing our shame. This week we had a few episodes of Dance Moms and Teen Mom 2 saved up on my DVR. We celebrated this delightful occasion with cake. Because, why not?

Before Knit Night, I tried out a new yarn store (I haven’t been able to find my forever-yarn-home since my fav store closed a few years ago) and picked up some Mercerized cotton. Normally, I’m a wool girl all the way, but I’m designing a tank top. Even I can’t justify using wool on something meant to be worn at the beach. I ended up purchasing S.R. Kertzer Super 10 Butterfly Cotton. I had never seen it before and was drawn to the sheen of the yarn.
I’m surprised at the amazing drape. It has a cool touch, which is perfect for summer wear. It’s breathable and comes in rainbow fun, fashion forward colors. The Mercerized cotton won’t irritate the skin and is perfect for my garment, which needs the versatility to be dressed up or worn to the beach.
Here I am swatching while Jac creeps on me with her camera. For some reason, she thinks she’s allowed to do anything she wants as long as she declares: “It’s for the website!”
You’ll notice there is a distinct lack of pictures of Jac’s WIP. Apparently, her Tron inspired hoodie isn’t “ready for the masses”. Whatever that means. So, please join me in shaming her for not sharing it with you today. SHAME ON YOU, JACQULINE.
Which brings me to my favorite part of our knit night: It occurred before the evening even started. We were at the grocery store stocking up on soda and potato skins when Jac looked at me with stars in her eyes and quietly whispered, “Can we have cake?” It was as if she was expecting me to shout, “Cake? YOU WANT CAKE??? Get out of my sight you heartless heathen.” Then we made cake.
What is your knit night routine, Caffenistas?
~ Megan-Anne
Thine pastry is untrue.
Yeah SHAME ON YOU JACQULINE !!!!!!! lol brilliant post :-)
My sister and I always talk about going out, but then we end up at home watching Downton Abbey or Today was Futurama while knitting. We like tea to go along with it. You can’t beat the comfort of home!
We make a big to-do out of Downton Abbey! Jac brews fancy tea and I break out a cheese plate. Then, we knit during the show and speak with awful English accents.
aren’t friend/family knit nights fun? We do lunches while my niece is at school, but they are still fun.
cake, knitting and trashy tv. that sounds like an amaaaaazing night <3
It is amazing! I highly recommend it. :D
My mother cooks while my friends and I have our knit nights. I went to a lesson to figure out how to knit (because after trying it out for myself, with no success, for 8 years was beginning to make me angry) and then showed my buddies what I learned. They are now addicted and my yarn stash has gotten a bit concerning.
Back on topic! My mother cooks and we struggle through three hours of trying to learn a new stitch (you should have seen the madness that was learning how to cast on and the knit stitch). We then muddle our way through YouTube trying to find the perfect video that can show what we’re doing wrong, and complaining for a good while about how no one knits in continental (which is a darn shame because that’s the only way I know how to knit). We make promises to go to Michael’s (because I’m terrified of my LYS) and complain some more about how bad we are at this.
(One of my friends took to knitting like a duck to water and has already made two scarves…)