I didn’t think I would miss the 2014 Geek-A-Long blanket after it was gone. Then again, I never really thought about what it would feel like to finish the project and not always have it on the edge of my mind. I mean, even after the crazy late nights of picking up stitches and making chocolate pudding for the Lattes & Llamas crew, I was focused on what pictures we would take of the finished product and where to get the blanket dry cleaned before sending it Child’s Play Charity. Then I was booking the trip to Seattle and before I knew it, we were there watching it get auctioned off.
Now, it’s all over.
I don’t have children yet, but I’m pretty sure I’m experiencing empty nest syndrome. I find myself staring at pictures of the blanket and worrying about whether or not the new owner read the care instruction card. What if they wash it in hot soapy water with lots of agitation and felt it? They probably already did. It’s probably felted right now and being used as an old dog’s cage blanket. I bet the dog chews on it too.
Luckily, I have the 2015 blanket to fill the void. The theme has been chosen, the fandoms are set in stone, the yarn has generously arrived from Cascade Yarns once again, and my crochet hook is hard at work. Yes, you read that correctly. My crochet hook. But don’t worry, there will still be tons of double knit awesomeness. Next Sunday, Megan-Anne and I will share all of the nitty-gritty details, so stay tuned.
For now, indulge me while I say goodbye to the knitted goodness that was Geek-A-Long 2014 with a pic spam.
Ugh, see. Now, I’m all verklempt. I was going to talk about how awesome you guys are for going on this crazy adventure with Megan-Anne and I, but I’m going to make this short. YOU. ARE. AWESOME. In addition to raising awareness for Child’s Play Charity, you have also donated $750 through our CP Charity widget to help put video games in hospitals for sick children, so they can have a few moments of normalcy and fun. And that is pretty amazing to me.
~ Jac
We are still $225 short of our $1,000 goal for the year. So if you haven’t donated yet, please remember that every dollar helps.
Amazing blanket!!!
Thank you!
thanks for the laughs…the empty nest feelings and felting fears made me laugh…in a good way, I promise. I’m sure the new owner has bragged about that awesome blanket in all social media outlets…and she/ he cannot put it away (so, no fear…it hasn’t been washed yet).
I read “crochet hook” and my eyes glazed over. Will we be seeing the 2015 blanket in crochet? =D As a die hard crocheter, I’d love to see crocheted squares, not just knitted. Even if the squares are still done in knitting, I hope we at least get to see your amazing crocheted results! Just the idea that the 2015 blanket involves crochet is getting me all excited!
And to comment on the actual post: I am in complete awe of the fantastic amazingness that is the 2014 GAL blanket.
Yes, there will definitely be crochet in addition to knitting. And thank you!
This is all kinds of awesome! Can’t wait to see what you have planned for 2015.
Thank you for the work that you put in to give this gift to us.
Sorry, I meant to donate before the end of the year. I bet you are over the mark now (not from me, but from all the other people going OMB! It’s that time already?) My calculation is $4/square x 60 squares = $240. I’m aware that most of us cannot afford that much but all of us should be able to afford $5 or $10. After all, we spent much more than that on yarn.
I would have liked to compete for the prizes, but there’s no way I’m going to get finished and get the squares joined in time. Good luck to everyone who was able to do that.