The Queen Bee Pullover: A Hive Full of Projects

The Queen Bee Pullover released on Ravelry a few weeks ago, and I have been having a blast watching people’s WIP’s grow. This is my favorite pattern we’ve released to date, and it’s been incredibly gratifying to see other people loving it too!

Nothing assuages an designer’s delicate ego more than a robust projects tab.

I get super anxious right after releasing a new pattern. What if everyone hates it? What if there’s a typo that made it past the testers and editing?

Fact: There is always one. ALWAYS. That elusive typo is my white whale.

And the worst case scenario that haunts my wooly dreams: What if no one even looks at it? Some day I will die of perceived indifference. I think that on some level, it isn’t possible to really love your art and not be insecure about it. Still, while the fear of obscurity my drive my periodic bouts of melancholia, the flip side is that when something is well received I experience equal measures of joy.

I’m incredibly grateful to everyone that has shown the sweater some love and put the Queen Bee on the Ravelry Hotlist on release day! I want to take some time today to showcase some of the amazing projects my testers knitted. Before I do, I want to express my gratitude for all of your support the only way I know how, a coupon code. We almost always put patterns on sale for the first week after release, but this time around I want to have a second bonus sale to show my appreciation for everyone’s kind words about the pattern. From now until the end of April, you will get 50% off of the Queen Bee Socks when you purchase the Queen Bee Pullover with the coupon code: BUZZQUEEN on Ravelry.

The coupon will only work when both patterns are in your Ravelry cart. You can find the Queen Bee Pullover HERE and the Socks HERE. The sale will run until 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time on April 30th.

Two knitters surprised me by opting for red as their main color. I wouldn’t have come up with that combo on my own, and I am thrilled they did because their bold red sweaters look incredible!

TrudyO knit her Queen Bee in our Geek-A-Long Yarn using Kamala Khan and Blonde Ambition. I’m actually working on another sweater now, this time a Magician’s themed cardigan using Blonde Ambition. I love the color, and I love Trudy’s sweater.

Between the sweater and the doggo, I can’t stop looking at this picture!

-Renz- worked up her sweater in Rowan Felted Tweed, and the slightly muted colors really make the design pop:

To my delight, one of the Queen Bee Testers was Jessie, the dyer behind Yarn Over New York. I love Jessie’s project so much that I asked her to send me photos and yarn info so I can share it with you!

Jessie of Yarn Over New York rocking her Queen Bee in her own Randall’s Island Sport Yarn in Queen Bee (gold) and Don’t Panic Peacock (blue)

She used her Randall’s Island Sport Base for the yarn in Queen Bee and Don’t Panic Peacock. I love the combo, and that her color and the sweater share a name!

Emailhyu chose an elegant deep green and gold in Knitpick’s Hawthorn Fingering yarn for her sweater, and like Trudy and Renz, chose to make the darker color the main color. I love how stately and elegant it looks.

Honestly, I could go on all day showing you project photos. I won’t promise not to post about this sweater again, with a whole new gallery of pics, as more people finish their pullovers.

Are you casting on a Queen Bee? Make sure and tag project pics on Instagram with #QueenBeePullover and #lattesandllamas and tag me @doctor_llama so I can ooooh and aaaaah over your regal creations!


I don’t care that it’s almost summer. I’m going to keep knitting sweaters.

2 thoughts on “The Queen Bee Pullover: A Hive Full of Projects

  1. Nicole says:

    I love, love, love this sweater! I was so sad when timing didn’t let me test knit it, but I will be knitting it now that the pattern is released!

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