…on your socks!
Over the last 4 weeks we have been on an action packed adventure aboard the U.S.S. Sock Knitter through the Scottish Highlands in search of the Loch Ness monster. The MKAL is finished and the full pattern is now available on Ravelry.
Our time on board the ship is done, and I’m already missing the friends I made on board. Before we bid a final farewell to the journey, let’s take a day to appreciate all the amazing work you guys did on board!
The first week, we got to know the mysterious crew of the immortal ship. In a stroke of what I can only assume was beginner’s luck, we caught our first glimpse of Nessie.
During week two, I discovered more about the strange Captain of our yarn filled ship, but despite finding his journal, I was left with even more questions than I’d had before. Not only that, but the more time I spent around Mr. and Mrs. Spicer, who seemed to have been on the crew for decades, the more I realized that this was no ordinary ship. We didn’t see Nessie again that week, but luckily the lake was filled with all sorts of amazing fish and scenery.
By week 3 I was exuasted. Two long weeks spent staring out into the water had left me feeling more than a little stir crazy. We all took a break to spend some time on dry land (in a Local Yarn Store, obviously).

The wait and hard work paid off though! I can’t go so far as to say the mysteries of the U.S.S. Sock Knitter have been solved, but I think I’m content to let the Captain keep a few of his secrets.
In recognition of your bravery, patience, and flawless color work, The Lattes & Llamas Society of Knitterly Cryptid Studies would like to present everyone aboard the U.S.S. Sock Knitter with this certificate of recognition.
Click HERE to download your very own certificate. I think we can all agree it deserves a place on your fridge.
And finally, while the pure unbridled joy of spotting the Loch Ness Monster AND one of her babies is a prize unto itself, try as you might, you can’t knit with happy memories. So just to make sure we have every angle in the happiness department covered, we also wanted to show our appreciation with a giveaway! We announced on week one that we would raffle off a skein of my favorite sock yarn to one lucky adventurer aboard the U.S.S. Sock Knitter. You can read the announcement and rules here, but the short version is that to be entered you had to show off a photo of at least one Nessie sock to the Lattes & Llamas forum on Ravelry.
Congratulations Hd9700 (lisa), you are the proud owner of a fabulous new skein of Adventure Yarn!

This has been an amazing ride, and I’m thrilled that so many of you got on board with the project.
Get it? “On board.” I should really be doing stand-up.
Take some time to rest your hands or catch up on all the other projects that we all inevitably cast on while working on this one. It’s OK, you don’t have to appologize for knitterly ADHD here. This time next week we’ll be revealing the next project in our Cryptid Knit Series, and you won’t want to miss it! This next one is a great summer project that gives you all of the excitement of doing color work with a bazillion mini-skeins, but with none of the pain and heartache of weaving in the ends.
Let’s all commit right now to adding this certificate to the education portion of our resumes. Any employer that doesn’t appreciate it, doesn’t deserve us.
I love seeing all the Nessie socks! Thanks for this MKAL, I’ve been having a lot of fun with Nessie.