Rejoice, fellow caffeine enthusiasts! Today is National Coffee Day — or, as I like to call it, FREE COFFEE DAY. My husband manages this mythical place on the East Coast of the USA called Wawa. They’re more than just a convenience store/fuel station, they’re the place where the good affordable coffee lives. And I can order from the deli and get my sandwich without every having to converse with a single person due to the touch screens, which is a huge selling point when Megan-Anne and I have to hit the road super early to head to a Yarn Show. I am NOT a morning person.
Now that you know what Wawa is, I should tell you that my husband despises National Coffee Day since they get overwhelmed with people wanting their free coffee. When I dropped him off at work this morning, it was as if I was sending him off to war. I kissed and told him I’d make his favorite for dinner tonight. He nodded solemnly and left to deal with the already long lines of people. Then, being the good wife that I am, I waited until he was inside the building to start cackling to myself about free coffee. You know I stopped at a different Wawa on my way to the dye studio this morning to get some for myself. I’m not even ashamed. I’ll probably stop there on my way home this afternoon too and throw away the evidence before I pick up my husband, because I am a loving, supportive wife.
While I can’t give you free coffee today to celebrate everyone’s favorite caffeinated dirty bean water, I do have the power to giveaway free yarn! One lucky winner will win a Coffee Cake while the rest of you will have to settle for downloading the Coffee Bean Sock pattern for FREE now through Sunday. Just click the buy now button below. The discount will apply automatically at checkout.
The colorway Megan-Anne used to knit the sample was ‘Coffee or Death’ in Adventure, which feels crazy appropriate today.
Alright, so you’ve downloaded your free sock pattern and started checking out which colorway of Adventure you want to use to knit it. Now, I’m guessing you’d like to know how you can enter to win one of our Coffee Cakes, right? You have two ways to enter.
Leave a comment below, naming your favorite Coffee Cake colorway and what you’d like to knit with it.
Login to Instagram, follow Lattes & Llamas Yarn, like this photo, and repost it with the hashtag #lattesandllamas.
And of course, you can do both options to double your odds. We’ll do our best to send the winner their favorite colorway, but no promises.
The contest closes Saturday, September 30th at noon EST. At which point in time, Megan-Anne and I will let Mabel chose the lucky winner. Good luck, caffeinistas, and a Merry Coffee Day to you all!
Yes, we do let an 18-month make all of our hard choices. Thanks for asking.
Love the Fraking Cyclon colorway! It’s begging to be a gorgeous scarf, with its long color changes.
Oh how fun! Am loving the Invader Zim colorway! Happy Coffee Day to YOU!!!
EXPLODING TARDIS. Hmm….no idea what I would make….probably a hat for my friend, though!
Ooo… twilight sparkle … but what to make? Maybe “Don’t Panic” by Nimble Knits? Love that shawl and so pretty in a gradient …
Fraking Cylon definitely. I think I’d make one of those cowl/shawl hybrids like Zuzu’s Petals by Carina Spencer. Or I might have to figure out how to adapt Hilary Smith Callis’ Adama to fingering weight. Apropos, no?
I think INVADER ZIM is my favorite of the colorways… though so many of the others are pretty, too! And I love all the names!
As to what to knit… I’ve been wanting to make another of Birgit Freyer’s shawls, and I think they look best in gradient (or long color repeat) yarns.
Oh – and thank you for the giveaway! I’ve only been to your coast a few times, but I have fond memories of Wawa hoagies.
Jellyfish Nebula is kinda my jam!!
I too love Invader Zim (purple and green are my favourite colours and always magical) though all the others are also excellent, particularly Jigglypuff. I think i might knit some arm-warmers. Not sure though.
I love the Eye of Jupiter… but I would have to go with Sunnydale because Buffy! :) Anyways, I would crochet a fun cow or scarf or some sort of neckware for the upcoming winter!
Fraking Cylons! and perhaps some fingerless gloves
Oh, I would probably choose Exploding Tardis. My daughter likes Crystal Gems.
How can you not like a colorway named “JiggleyPuff”? I think I would knit a shawlette, maybe one of Wendy Johnson’s Mystery shawls, to brighten a cold February afternoon.
My favorite might be Twilight Sparkle, but I’m into Nim’s designs right now, so I would probably use Kokiri Forest for Draconis or Fraking Cylon for Don’t Panic.
Of course I love the colour way called ‘exploding tardis’! I think I’ve made it my life mission to collect all yarn with this name.
I would probably knit a shawlette or maybe a sockhead beanie.
I love fraking cylons! I’d make a stunning cowl! Or shawl. Oooohhh or mittens. I’d knit all the things! 😁
Ooh I’m digging the Jellyfish Nebula, and I think I would have to make a shawl for my mom for Christmas :)
My favourite is Invader Zim as I’m really liking the Maleficient Purple and Green colouring at the moment. I would like to make a really pretty shawl for myself with it.
Twilight Sparkle. So pretty. I have so many shawl patterns favorited in Ravelry that would be amazing in this color way.
Also I literally just got gas at Wawa today and didn’t even realize it was National Coffee Day. That’s explains why it was so busy.
The Exploding Tardis colorway is beautiful! I would probably make some fingerless gloves.
Haha, I’ll take double odds.
I like the Jigglypuff colorway. Mostly because I think it’s the most likely candidate for matching socks. :)
It’s really hard to choose a color – they are all so pretty! But I think I’d go with Exploding Tardis, and would knit Cosmic Dust with it. It’s even intended to make use of color-change yarn, and would look great :)
Kokiri Forest is my favorite colorway in the Coffee Cakes … I will make a cool (and scientific, of course!) asymmetrical shawl with it. Thanks for the giveaway (and making such great yarn … I love all the cakes with purple in them, to be totally honest!). I am gkgreen on Ravelry.
It’s hard to pick just one! But, Invader Zim is my favorite. I would knit either a scarf or a sweet little dress for a great niece.
Every day is National Coffee Day in my world :)