Welcome to week two of the 2017 Geek-A-Long! We’re off to an amazing start, and I’m so excited to see our community growing, talking, and supporting each other. Folks have been sharing their 2016 blankets on Instagram and in the GAL Ravelry group, and they look amazeballs. If you don’t know what I’m talking about and are completely lost, Jac wrote about the down and dirty of this year’s Geek-A-Long, which you can read about it here.
This week we are celebrating Supergirl, and I think I could write about her comics all day. Luckily for you, Jac will edit this later to make sure I keep it to a dull roar. I’m obsessed with golden and silver age comics. Nothing brings me joy the way Superboy and Supergirl do. My collection is extensive and includes a mint copy of Action Comics 252, the introduction of Supergirl, which is my favorite comic ever written. It’s absolute absurdity makes it incredible.

Superman won’t let her move in since it would compromise his secret identity. So he takes her to an orphanage that only has one sad rundown room for her to stay in. I guess the Kents were too busy to take her in? And there were also no nice orphanages or literally any adoptive parents available. This is later on in her arc, but at one point a couple wants to adopt Kara, but then Superman decides she “isn’t ready for adoption” and sabotages it. He even makes her wear a weird pigtail wig. His entire disguise is a pair of glasses, but she has to wear a wig everyday. I realize as I’m writing this that it doesn’t really sound like I love it. But it’s all that ridiculous crap that makes me love the Golden Age of comics! Superboy was constantly getting kicked out of Smallville. Supergirl had a robot in a tree. Female superheros had to leave the planet during their crimson virus.
The newest incarnation of Supergirl, played by Melissa Benoist, is absolutely incredible. It’s everything I could want from a modern heroin, and it keeps some of the absurdity and cuddly fun of the original comics. Kara could be manic-depressive when you really consider her back story. Instead, she is the peppy, ambitious, optimistic, kick-ass woman that I grew up with. No amount of ugly wigs, broken beds, or crimson viruses will keep her down! Also, the Martian Man Hunter is amazing. I freaked out when they introduced him on the show. Jac had to pause it while I got through my excitement-gasm. Also, if you want to revel in the craziness of it all, you can read Action Comics 252 here.
Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can download the Supergirl pattern here. Instructions and charts for both knit and crochet are listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong!

If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and a tutorial on crochet here. Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here.
~ Megan-Anne
“And what do you think is so bad about ‘girl’? I’m a girl. And your boss. And powerful and rich and hot and smart. So if you perceive Supergirl as anything less than excellent, isn’t the problem you?”
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