This tiny kitten in a human costume is ruining all of my plans. I love my niece, she’s adorable and appreciates fine yarns like a proper fiber connoisseur. (Nothing calms her down faster than a trip to a yarn store.) But, she’s put a kibosh on my decision to spend the summer knitting sweaters. Ever since Megan-Anne discovered that her daughter has her Aunt Jac’s Vitamin D deficiency problem — sorry, kid — she’s forced us to spend our knitting time outside.
The park is nice and everything. We get in a little exercise on the walk there and enjoy a packed lunch underneath the perfect shady tree, but it’s hotter than an ogre’s armpit outside. No matter how early in the day Megan-Anne makes us go or how much water we drink, I can’t work on my sweaters at the park anymore. You know what that means? Stay home in the air conditioning!
Just kidding. Megan-Anne is a cruel task master now that she’s in mommy mode. Even though I’m older, I keep getting the, “It’s good for you, Jacquline.” Or the, “Don’t you want to set a good example for your niece, Jacquline?” And so, here I am, putting aside my sweater projects. It’s officially sock season.
To help myself put the colder months behind me and start dealing with the fact that summer is officially here, I thought I’d share a sock-tastic Geek-A-Long prize with you guys this week. Please give a round of applause for Blue Moon Fiber Arts!
Blue Moon Fiber Arts has been a benefactor of the Geek-A-Long since the beginning. Every year they send us four awesome hanks of their Socks That Rock — they totally do rock, by the way — and this year they threw in a shawl pattern for each of the winners as well. The Sagrada Shawl by Carol Feller doesn’t look as if it’d crush your soul at the park. You could knit that underneath a shady tree, sip some iced tea, and feel pretty good about yourself.
About Tina Newton and Blue Moon Fiber Arts
More than just a color genius, Tina brings to the yarn world a wealth of fiber knowledge and experience and an extraordinary artistic flair. The love affair started with spinning. Soon after, she began dyeing her own roving and discovered not only a talent but a passion. She then began translating her color theory from her own handspun onto millspun yarns and Blue Moon was born. Tina has a fertile imagination and the practical creativity to support it. This energy is contagious and inspiring. She loves sharing her vision and working with others. This is the spirit of Blue Moon.
Personally, I’m a sucker for tightly plied sock yarns. It was why I went to bat for it when Megan-Anne and I were designing our Adventure Yarn. High-twists provide an amazing stitch definition, and when you have boldly variegated yarn like Blue Moon’s The Yellow Eyed Demon, Winterberries, Lady Marmalade, or Truly Madly Deeply, you want every stitch to punch you in the eye.
Before I say goodbye and leave you to salivate over these delicious fibers, I should probably lay down a rules reminder. In case you’re new to the Geek-A-Long, SURPRISE! That video game themed blanket you’re knitting or crocheting makes you eligible to win a boat load of swag. All you have to do in order to qualify is finish your blanket by Janurary 31st, 2017 and share a picture of the finished product with our Ravelry group. That’s it! You’ll have four opportunities to win and you can view the complete giveaway rules here. Fun, right?
Thank you for your generous donation to the Geek-A-Long participants, Blue Moon Fiber Arts! You can find Blue Moon on their website, Twitter, Facebook, and in our previous posts here and here. If you’d like to view the other Geek-A-Long benefactors and prizes, you can find them here.
~ Jac
From the name to the color, The Yellowed Eyed Demon colorway is all me. It’s going to physically hurt me to send it off to someone else when the year is over.