Good news everyone, Professor Farnsworth is on the Geek-A-Long!
Futurama is one of those fandoms that I more or less married into. Like 30 Rock, collectible card games, and Rifts, my appreciation of Futurama came with my wedding vows. I can’t remember why I wasn’t open to it before. But when we started dating, Kev wanted to show me Futurama and I was convinced I wouldn’t like it. So I was pretty late to the party on this one.
But you know what? I’m not even sorry for that since it makes such good binge watching. After years of dragging my feet on it, I got to enjoy several year’s worth of episodes all at once. And let me tell you, once I got started watching them it was like a sweet, animated, cakey outside with a creamy sarcastic center.

So this year I knew that I had to put one of the Planet Express scientists on the blanket. We were a house divided over whether it would be Zoidberg or Fansworth, but ultimately we chose Farsnworth since he brought the whole Planet Express crew together. At about 130 years old, Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth is everyone’s favorite doomsday-device obsessed mad genius. He earns his living running the Planet Express Delivery Service, and generally almost destroying the universe. Due to some wibbly wobbly timey wimey hi-jinx he employs his own great^30 uncle Fry. It’s quotes like this that make me really love him:
“Good news everyone! The university is bringing me up on disciplinary charges! Wait, that’s not good news at all.”
– Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth
It’s not a particularly well kept secret that I have sort of a love/hate relationship with advanced academia. For me, Farnsworth is that perfect caricature of a ridiculous college professor that is completely out of touch, and every time he opens his mouth I wind up laughing.
One of the really fun things about the GAL is getting to stretch myself as a designer, artist, and knitter. So this year I gave myself the latitude to challenge myself to several character portraits on squares, and that’s been really fun (though not what you should expect next year cause we like to shake things up!). For this square I wanted to show the Planet Express Logo, since I would consider assembling and managing that crew to be Farnsworth’s greatest accomplishments. However, I think that Farnsworth’s overall look is so iconic to the show, I wanted to get his profile on there too. I love how doing the profile in negative with the logo above it in reverse colors looks.

Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can view the Professor Farnsworth pattern by clicking this link or the download it by clicking the button below. Instructions and charts for both knit and crochet are listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong!
Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here. If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here. If this is your first time encountering the Geek-A-Long, you can learn more about it, the history behind it, how to participate, and why we do it for Child’s Play Charity on this page.

EDITED TO ADD: This post was edited on March 21, 2021 to update links and upload a revamped pattern format, which includes more information. You can read our post the revamp here, which also includes a Bender GAL square.
~ Megan-Anne
All hail hypnotoad.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider making a donation to Child’s Play Charity. Here is a direct link to our official donation page benefiting the charity. Please help us raise $1,000 this year. No contribution is too small! Wanna make your donation go even further? Lattes & Llamas will donate $1 for every skein of Geek-A-Long Yarn purchased.
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