There are three things in life that are better than new yarn. The top two are triple-grande cinnamon dolce lattes and free yarn. So when Blue Sky Alpacas asked us to participate in a blog tour for their new EXTRA Yarn, I jumped at the chance.
They sent us a delightful box containing a hank of Extra Yarn in “Lei”, the Sweet Sixteen Hat knitting pattern from their new Destination Collection, and a Pretty Cheep Project Bag. And of course, an identical set for one of our lucky readers. ;)
But before I tell you how scrumptious this yarn is — and seriously, it’s so yummy Megan-Anne joked about putting whipped cream on it and serve it for brunch — let me tell you a little bit about the Destination Collection.

Blue Sky Alpacas gathered six top-notch designers from around the world to put together their versatile new collection. The line is a self-proclaimed journey through yarn and needles, specially created for the new Extra Yarn. The designers drew their inspiration from locations that were meaningful to them, and every piece requires just one or two skeins to complete it. Megan-Anne and I checked out all the patterns before deciding to make the Sweet Sixteen hat. It’s fun, and funky, and as American as apple pie. And I always go for pie.
The Sweet Sixteen Hat pattern by Elizabeth Mautz-Redmann takes its inspiration from a blend of “all-american swagger with the sweetness of the girl next door.” In that spirit, I felt like there was no better recipient for the hat than our little sister Alena.
She was really excited when we told her it was for her. But she’s met us, so she was also ever so slightly suspicious of free hats. But guys, Laner-Pooh is about as girl-next-door as it gets, and she doesn’t need to know that this hat only took about 4-5 hours to make. Let’s all let her believe Megan-Anne toiled over it for days.
The yarn is amazingly soft and squishy. I mean, like, really squishy. I’m considering filling a wading pool with it declaring that “my nest.” I can’t wait to get my hands on more of it to design some fluffy mittens.
A luxe mix of baby alpaca and fine Merino wool, Extra comes in generously sized hanks and a rich color palette, making it ideal for one and two skein projects. Light and lofty with a springy twist, it’s a versatile Aran weight that lends itself beautifully to a variety of knitting tensions and needle sizes.
Working with Extra yarn was a real treat for Megan-Anne. She talked through several episodes of Supernatural about the yarn, and was constantly making me “squish these cables.” The hat knit up in two short sittings and has just the right amount of slouch. It went from this:
To this:
All in about five hours. The twisted rib and short rows kept it interesting while the bulky yarn made it fast. Here at Lattes and Llamas, we’re huge fans of one-skein projects. Megan-Ann wound up having enough of that single skein left that she might make some matching hand-warmers next week.
I could go on and on about Extra yarn, but I think I’ve kept you waiting on this giveaway long enough. When you’re done entering the giveaway, check out Blue Sky’s nifty Extra video. It’s ever so slightly more eloquent than I am.
Would you like to receive a package in the mail that looks eerily similar to the one pictured below? Well, here is your chance!
- The Sweet Sixteen Hat pattern by Elizabeth Mautz-Redmann
- One wonderful skein of Blue Sky Alpacas Extra Yarn in the Lei colorway
- An adorable Pretty Cheep Project Bag
- The giveaway is open to all of our readers currently residing on planet Earth. We’re not shipping to Mars, so don’t ask. Sorry, interplanetary readers!
- Giveaway is open until Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 11:30 PM EST.
- All comments must include a valid email address or Ravelry ID, so that we can contact you if you are the winner.
- Winner will be chosen via random number generator and will be contacted within 48 hours after giveaway ends.
- Leave a comment below letting us know what you love more than new yarn or at least what your favorite caffeinated beverage is. Don’t forget to include your email or Ravelry ID in the comment or else you’ll be disqualified!
- Bonus Entries: Tweet, Facebook, or Pin this post. Then, come back and leave an additional comment for each place you’ve shared.
Tweet: Can’t wait to get my hands on #blueskyalpacas new Extra Yarn! Enter to win with @DoctorLlama @jac_attacking: http://wp.me/p30KHy-Ku
::: The Giveaway is now closed! You can find the winner here, along with a blocking tutorial.::
A huge thank you to Blue Sky Alpacas for inviting us to be a part of the EXTRA Yarn Blog Tour! You can find the rest of the tour stops below:
Week One: Cosmos and Cashmere
Week Two: Woolen Diversions
Week Three: Lattes & Llamas, woooo!
Week Four: Rock + Purl
Week Five: HeyJenRenee
Week Six: Miso Crafty Knits
~ Jac
The third thing is between me and my God.
The one thing I might love better than new yarn would be a new book. :) Ravelry ID: Kbear08
One of the little things I love more than yarn is coming home after a long day at work is to pick up my angora rabbit, Ambrose, and bury my face in his fur – he smells sweet like hay and grinds his teeth to let me know he’s also happy. Bunny Valium!
What do I like more than new yarn, let’s see….strong coffee, a good book on tape (so I can still knit), or a good movie to knit to and good company on knit night…..Ravelry ID- yarnocd1
OMG! That is some beautiful yarn! I want to touch my screen to see how squishy it is!!! I’m a major coffee snob. :) When I travel, I try out new coffee places and am kinda particular about how it’s brewed… mmmmm… coffee.
Trina at http://www.willcookforshoes.ca
What I love more than new yarn? My darling, little Princesses, of course. :)
Currently, I’m drinking a cup of Kona (Trader Joes, whole bean) that I ground up in my burr mill and did the pour-over method with some freshly boiled water.
Duh. Rav ID: SaraMCrafts
Loving the kiddos and hubby more. And family and friends. But after that.. yarn. And that yarn would make an amazin hat for my girly kiddo. Ravelry ID zuzzan actually
What do I love more than new yarn…dang, I wanted to enter this contest… there must be something… just hang on…give me a minute… Wait! How could I forget? My spouse! I love my spouse more than yarn. Truly, I do.
Rav ID is salpal1
I love the little bag, it’s such a pretty color too.
Ravelry: Aylajane82
Things I like more than new yarn? Few and far between, except of course for my family and friends. However, depending on the time of day, I might WANT coffee (from my Keurig) more than I want yarn, but I don’t necessarily love it more. (Rav ID sweetconnie64)
I like my children more than new yarn. Usually, anway. At 6am I like coffee more. LOL
Ravelry: meshaliu
Love new yarn! And right now I’m loving fall drinks, non caffeinated ones such as warm apple cider with caramel and whip cream. Or cold apple cider with a hint of amaretto. (only a hint so I don’t have to fix my knitting the next day) Both at night after the kids are in bed. Ravelry id: Sarahd164
What’s better than new yarn? More new yarn? Or maybe a day off to spend knitting with that new yarn!!
Also, I’m an iced Soy Chai tea latte girl.
Ravelry id: reenrohlf
Better than new yarn? A day off to knit with it!
Drink Wise: Iced Soy Chai Tea Latte.
Ravelry: reenrohlf
One thing I love more than new yarn: packages from Keurig.com. Also FREE new yarn. :-D
What could I possibly love more than new yarn? Newer yarn, I suppose. And vodka… though never together (again).
Rav ID: DudAvocado
The only thing better than new yarn is a sexy Scotsman in a kilt delivering the new yarn and a nice cup of tea.
The only thing better than new yarn, is getting it free for your B-day (aahhem 10/25) Not that I’m suggesting anything!
What’s better than new yarn? A long car trip to have time to knit something with said yarn!
Raverly ID: JNichelle
Hmmmm…. I think the only thing better than new yarn is making something with it. As for caffeinated beverages, I`m a milky black tea girl through and through. Thanks for the giveaway!
(on ravelry, I am SelfPreservation)
I LOVE the look of this yarn, and if it is as soft and squishy as it looks then I would love it more than I love my triple Caffè moccas! :-D
Coffeeeeeeeeee.. I’m kind obsessed with blended cold frozen hazelnut flavored coffee that is probably waaaaaaay too sweet for my health. Actually, Hazelnut flavored anything is my downfall.
but more than new yarn? That’s hard. If there were ever new episodes of Firefly, I’d love that the best… but since that doesn’t seem to be happening, not much. :-P As much as new yarn: new Doctor Who or Criminal Minds (I’m a little obsessed with both), or new books.
Ravelry: Dragonsashes
New yarn and coffee, what more is there? I do love a good book and an audio book is great because I can knit and listen to a book at the same time!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Ravelry: craftycommons
To go along with my love for yarn, I also love mis-matched tea sets, lucky cats, and tin lunch boxes. My favorite beverage has got to be a London Fog, though, I’m not entirely certain it’s caffeinated. I hope you are doing well, friends at Lattes and Llamas.
PS My Ravelry name is Anijess3, just in case.
Oh, wow. I’m finding it really hard to think of something I love more than new yarn. The only thing that comes to mind is Christmas with my husband and in-laws. As for caffeine, I prefer tea to coffee. My favorites are earl grey or jasmine tea.
Ravelry: panyang
What I like better than yarn is pet dragons (damn you, Khaleesi!) and a good book accompanied by Irish coffee and rain (yes, call me a romantic!)
Thank you for the opportunity, Jac and Megan-Ann :)
email address: turkandikayak@yahoo.com
Tweeted about you as well:
That blog with llamas & pattern of a #geeky blanket has a treat for crafty Earthlings! @Doctor_Llama @jac_attacking http://wp.me/p30KHy-Ku
I love my daughter my daughter more than new yarn! My beverage of choice would be a cup of hot tea….english breakfast…mmmm.
A new book, new yarn, and a soy latte are all rivals for my #1 favorite things. RavID: Seibs82
diet coke! Better than new yarn? – my grandchildren (ages 4 and 15 months). It has to be something pretty spectacular to be better than a box of yarn! lol I really enjoy your blog and following the Geek a long blanket. Don’t have time to do it now, but would love to in the future.
SarahinHouston (rav id)
Coffee and yarn, what could be better? Well on occasion a pint of beer, great friends, good conversation, and knitting in public. That is right! Pints & Sticks in Portland, Oregon is even better than just new yarn.
About the only thing I could love more than new yarn would be peace on earth. Truly. If everybody could love one another and live together in perfect harmony, I would take that over a new skein of yarn. If not, gimme the yarn
Well that was fun. I posted to pintrest
What is better than yarn…? Time to knit!!
I tweeted
I posted on my personal (friends and family) Facebook account
I posted on my crafty (quilting and knitting) Facebook account.
I love my daughter (of course!) and the beautiful sunrise of a day I can knit! And a huge latte-skim.
Oops conpol@telus.net
I love my cat Blau more than yarn! My favorite caffeinated beverage would have to be homemade chocolate goat milk made with 100% cacao powder. Black tea gives me oxalate kidney stones. :( But matcha is less problematic and I can drink it once in awhile. I’ve really come to like the flavor. Ravelry ID is Organic09. Thanks!
I shared on Facebook.
I pinned it on Pinterest.
I tweeted the post on Twitter. Thanks again!
What do I love more than yarn? Right now, with the recent MN weather and impending freeze?…Rumchada!
RavID: antiem70
I love my family more than new yarn (well 99% of the time) and I would love to have the opportunity to learn how to make this adorable hat. All I have mastered so far is scarfs. I can just see me working on the hat and enjoying my Dr. Pepper. Maybe I can even working on the project outside while my daughter jumps on her trampoline!!! Ravelry ID is RDMartin. Thank you
I love my family more than yarn. My favorite caffeinated beverage would be coffee.
Oops I forgot my Ravelry ID is SeraM.
Hmmm, what I love more than new yarn? Finding an old treasure in the stash that I’d completely forgotten I had. And, of course, my family and friends. My favorite caffeinated beverage is a caramel macchiato. Ravelry ID is allirose. Thanks!
I shared this on FB too
The only thing I enjoy more than receiving new yarn is knitting with new yarn or finding the perfect pattern after a long search. Spending time with my family is a close second (hopefully they don’t know that). My tombstone is going to say : I just need to finish this last row….LOL
Ravelry ID: knittingnutz
What I like better than yarn is the time I spend teaching someone else this amazing fiber craft and knitting with friends. Yes and of course there is coffee involved with all the extras including Bailey’s and other spirits!! I love my coffee to taste more like coffee flavored creamer with a bit of a kick!!
I love yarn even before I starting knitting. But I love coffee, books, pumpkins and knitting for others. My goddaughters 16th birthday is in December and she would love this hat.
I think I like yarn shopping even more than new yarn…although one almost always leads to another! However, on occasion i do just shop and not buy…on occasion! I’m madgiddy on Rav.
Better than new yarn? More new yarn of course! Soft, squishy, warm and in all the colors of the rainbow. Warm wood needles to wrap it around. And a Cinnamon Dolce Latte to sip while doing so. Bonus points if the latte comes with a petite vanilla scone. Heaven!
Revelry ID: pelicangirl
That yarn is gorgeous and looks perfect for squishy cables.
The only thing(s) better than new yarn is reading a great book while having a good cappuccino.
-osteoandree on Ravelry