Last weekend, Jac and I went out to scenic Whippany, NJ for Creation Entertainment’s Salute to Supernatural. If you you’ve been hanging out with us for the Geek-A-Long, then you probably know how we feel about the show. To prep for season 10, (which is supposed to have a musical episode!) we have been binge watching the first 9 seasons. We’re half way through season 7, and trying to pace ourselves to draw it out until 10 premiers next month. Season 9 left us with the feels:
Anyways, we are pretty pumped up on SPN right now, so this con couldn’t have come at a better time. We were only able to make it out on Friday, so we missed out on seeing Jared, Jensen, and Misha.
We did however get to see Rob Benedict (Chuck).
Richard Speight Jr (Gabriel), who celebrated his birthday with the Friday crowd.
Julian Richings (Death)
Gil McKinney (Henry Winchester). You might also recognize him as Prince Eric from season 3 of Once Upon A Time.
And Osric Chau!
Seeing Osric cosplaying as Tony Stark was the highlight for me. It prompted a lengthy conversation with the audience about the likelihood of an “Irontran” movie, costarring Mark Sheppard as the Hulk.
Mark Sheppard as the Hulk. Now that’s a nice image.
Jac’s favorite part was meeting Julian Richings, who is really cool in real life. He actually reminded me a lot of Mr. Llama. Except, you know, with hair. He talked about ska music, being a homicidal hillbilly, and of course, making this:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93_a3HLAG4s]Man, that song gives me the chills every time.
The good folks over at Creation knew what they were doing when they booked Richard Spreight Jr. as the emcee and Rob Benedict’s band for the house music. It turns out they are besties in real life and romp around the world having SDNcon shenanigans.
I competed in a trivia contest. Wow, those questions were obscure! I was surprised I made it as far as I did. I think the fishy faces helped.
We also repeatedly heard girls that would express how large something was relative to Jared Padalecki.
It’s like 1.5 Jareds.
That’s about 10 feet.
I briefly considered putting out a SPN inspired pattern with yarn requirements measured in Jareds, but ultimately decided it’s less endearing when I do it. Coming from a bright-eyed teen though, whose mother had taken the day off of work to bring her to the con and bond, it was downright delightful. We saw several parent/child duos and it was really awesome to see parents supporting and encouraging their children’s fandoms.
“Dear Sam and Dean, this hotel is haunted. You must haunt down the ghost. Interview witnesses, discover clues, and find the bones. First team to do so wins a fifty-dollar gift card to Sizzler. Love Dad.”
That song indeed gives one the chills. But I love it. :-)
So happy to see you had such a good time. Love Misha!