Welcome to week 27 of the 2014 Geek-A-Long, a mystery blanket knit-along (or crochet-along for you rebels out there)! If you’re new to the GAL craziness, check out the Geek-A-Long FAQ page for more details and information. Then, meet us back here when you’re ready. For the seasoned pros, let’s talk about Cthulhu.
I like to knit things into a likeness of Cthulu. There’s something about making Cthulhu adorable that makes me feel tingly all over. I think it’s probably just a coping mechanism. I read “Call of Cthulhu” when I was too young for such things and it scared me. A lot. So now I make him super cute, because it isn’t as bad if fat little heart-eyed monsters hide under the bed.
Cthulhu joins Harry Potter and Sherlock as literary references on the blanket. There are a few more books to cover this year, and let me tell you, it was SUPER HARD to decide which ones to include. There’s just so much there. Robert Jordan’s books deeply influenced our high school years, but they aren’t on the blanket. Similarly, I wait for each new Dresden Files
book like a starving animal eyeing its next meal, but Harry isn’t on the blanket either. Cthulhu made the cut because he’s so iconic. I wonder if H.P. Lovecraft knew that what he was creating would become so well-known. There are table top games
, video games
, card games
, and even a robust selection of fanfic available. The list goes on, really.
There was a decent amount of hemming and hawing when I showed the design for this square to my friends and family. Mr. Llama, in particular, questioned whether I had made him “too cute”.
Well, eat your heart out, honey, ’cause he’s just cute enough! ;)
After seeing the finished square, Mr. Llama recanted and agreed that anyone would be lucky to snuggle up with this little guy. I’m thrilled with how he turned out, and I hope you guys love him too.
© Megan-Anne of Lattes & Llamas, 2014
Needles: Size US6
Yarn: Cascade 220 in 2 sharply contrasting colors.
Gauge: 10 sts over 13 rows = 2″ x 2″ square. Final square is 45 sts by 57 rows. Please note that in the written pattern I instruct you to knit the rows above and below the active color chart. These rows are shown on the chart as solid color rows above and below the design.
Download PDF of the color chart cthulu. Cast on 45 sts for each side of knitting (with two strands held together CO 45, for a total of 90 sts on needle).
Work 2 rows of double-sided knitting (knit the facing sts and purl the back sts across). You may choose to work the opposite color for the first stitch of each row (I do this), which will keep the edges closed. Alternately, you may choose to knit them without doing this and seam the sides when putting the blanket together. There is no “right” way to do this. It is really just what you are more comfortable with.
Follow color chart over next 53 rows in double-sided knitting.
Work 2 rows of double-sided knitting. BO.
Don’t forget to tweet or instagram them at me, @Doctor_Llama, with the hashtag geekalong, so we can all oooh and ah together. We even have a fancy new GAL Participation Button you can put on your blog or your Geek-A-Long posts. You can grab the html out of the side bar or find it here.
If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and you can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here. We’re even raffling off some sweet prizes for our members at the end of the year! You can learn more about it in the group or on the GAL Benefactors page.
~ Megan-Anne
“In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits knitting.”
* * * * *
You never cease to amaze with your squares! This one is particularly spectacular and perfectly adorable. When I get around to joining this Geek-A-Long, I will particularly enjoy knitting Cthulhu’s sweet little face.
I’m so glad to see this! I bookmarked the page with all the links that the “coming soon” dates, and thought something bad had happened to you because it wasn’t being updated. So happy it was all in my head and the squares continue on!
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This is really great but I was hoping you had this for crotcheting :( Anyone translated this into a crotchet pattern by chance??