Here at Lattes and Llamas, we live for wool and bleed espresso. But, we’re also super nerdy. There’s the whole Geek-A-Long thing and then there’s our intense love of science and Supernatural. I mean, we talk about Misha Collins so often that at least one person per day stumbles onto our site looking for something about him.
::Waves:: Hello random Google searcher looking for things like “very young Misha Collins” and “Misha Collins killer face”! Your search terms are weird, but we don’t judge. This is a safe place. To make you feel at home I put a special Misha picture for you at the end of this post.
Here are six awesome things we ran into this week that peaked our geeky interests:
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Tesla Motors: All Our Patents Belong to You
Tesla Motors posted on their blog Thursday, June 12, 2014 that they opened up their patents to everyone! You can read Elon Musk’s post here. It’s a huge step towards sustainable transportation and wonderful for the opensource movement. But what I want to know is, when are they going to release the Iron Man-inspired 3D modeling setup? My life could be a little more Tony Stark-tastic.
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The Legend of Korra: Book 3 Official Trailer
The Geek-A-Long just celebrated Legend of Korra with the Water Tribe symbol and in a fortuitous turn of events, Nickelodeon released the official trailer for season 3 the same week! At just over two minutes long, the video has zero dialogue whatsoever, because it doesn’t need it. It’s that hardcore.
Did you see Zuko? OMG, ZUKO!
If you’ve never watched Avatar the Last Airbender or the Legend of Korra, I highly recommend you start now. Do yourself a favor and pick up Book One and Two
of Korra before the new season comes out and marathon it like you’ve never marathoned before.
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Starbucks + Duracell Powermat = Free Wireless Charging
Starbucks announced this week that a national rollout of Duracell’s Powermat is underway (source). If you’re lucky enough to live in San Francisco or Boston, now you can wirelessly charge your compatible devices while using the free WiFi and sipping your fav Starbucks drink.
I’ll take a double grande dirty chai latte with no water, thanks.
I just hope the Powermats come to my local Starbucks before the next hurricane season rolls through the Philadelphia area. With outlets at a premium, it would’ve been nice after Hurricane Sandy knocked out our power for four days and we practically lived at Starbucks.
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Yoshi’s Wooly World
As a nerdy crocheter, there is something magical about seeing one of my favorite childhood video game character immersed in yarn. There are actual knitted and crocheted backgrounds in Yoshi’s Wooly World. And instead of throwing eggs, you toss tiny balls of yarn! It doesn’t get better than that. Well, maybe if there was more coffee involved…
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Thailand Protesters Use Salute from Hunger Games
I first saw this story on Wired and then again this week on the Nerdist, but it’s worth repeating. Protesters in Thailand have adopted the three-finger salute from the Hunger Games and are using it as a peaceful sign of resistance against the coup led by General Prayuth Chan-ocha and the newly formed junta.
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Breaking Cat News
Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn is my new favorite webcomic. I accidentally spent most of Friday afternoon reading the entire backlog. Then, like a true fangirl, I went through her Etsy page and salivated over the illustrations and artwork she has for sale. Georgia just gets me. This is basically my life:
Seriously, I love this webcomic. Go here now and read all of them. You’ll be glad you did.
And now for that Misha Collins picture I promised…
Saving people. Knitting things. The family business.