Welcome to week 17 of the 2014 Geek-A-Long, a mystery blanket knit-along (or crochet-along for you rebels out there)! If you’re new to the GAL craziness, check out the Geek-A-Long page for more details and information. Then, meet us back here when you’re ready. For the seasoned pros, let’s talk about Doctor Who!

I love Doctor Who. I mean, I really love him. David Tennant is my doctor, but Matt Smith was the one I wanted to run away with. Many brides sit awake the night before their wedding worrying about last-minute details. I waited up for the Doctor. You know, just in case. Even though the Raggedy Man didn’t attend my wedding, I like to believe that the gingerbread grooms cake kept him there in spirit. Want to guess what my “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” was?

I’m not sure what the blogger etiquette is here in regards to Whovian politics. Is it okay to talk about how I was utterly disappointed in Matt Smith’s “death”? My raggedy man deserved more. I’m trying very hard to be excited about the new doctor, and I’m not above admitting that it’s hard for me to do. I’m sure Steven Moffat knows what he’s doing, but I’m still mourning Matt’s loss. That final episode didn’t give me more closure. Sound off in the comments and let me know what you thought of the end of Matt Smith’s reign and the beginning of Peter Capaldi’s.

It was tough to land on a design for this one. There’s just so much you can do there! I chose the classic blue TARDIS because I didn’t want to single out any given doctor, and most of my other ideas were Matt Smith or David Tennant centered. If you’ve been following along in the spoiler thread on Ravelry though, you already know to expect a little something extra for this week’s square. Come back and see us tomorrow for that.

Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can view Dr. WHo’s Tardis pattern by clicking this link or the download it by clicking the button below. Instructions and charts for both knit and crochet are listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong!
Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here. If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here. If this is your first time encountering the Geek-A-Long, you can learn more about it, the history behind it, how to participate, and why we do it for Child’s Play Charity on this page.
EDITED TO ADD: This post was edited on May 2, 2021 to update links and upload a revamped pattern format, which includes more information. You can read our post about the revamp here, which also includes three other Doctor Who inspired Geek-A-Long squares.
It was a silver bracelet with a TARDIS on it that Mr. Llama gave me before the wedding. Duh.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider making a donation to Child’s Play Charity. Here is a direct link to our official donation page benefiting the charity. Please help us raise $1,000 this year. No contribution is too small! Wanna make your donation go even further? Lattes & Llamas will donate $1 for every skein of Geek-A-Long Yarn purchased.

Love the blanket, the post, and your wonderful spirit!
I squeed when I saw this square. I wanted to unlike it so I could like it again. >.> ANYWAY, yes, super disappointed in Matt Smith’s end! It just.. It didn’t feel right! I’m looking forward to seeing 12, but.. Bowties will forever be cool. :-)
ooh. a bowtie and a fez square. mmmm. . . . ? My favorites are #4 and #10, but I love 9 too. #11 was interesting, and I LOVE Rory and Amy (some of the best companions ever!) But common’ who doesn’t love DT coming back to Rose and Mickey and exclaiming that he got to snog Mme. de Pompadour?!!!!
Love the square. finished the chemistry one so now my needles can work on this for my b’day week(and maybe the “b” square if I knit enough). David Tennant has been my favorite so far, but I only started watching with the 2000’s reboot. Hubby plays the old stuff occasional so I can see the old doctors.
Pingback: 2014 Geek-A-Long: Alternate Squares | Lattes and Llamas
Just finished my first square, never attempted double sided knitting before, have just started the star wars one. Now some of my students are on study leave perhaps I can catch up a bit. Will have to share my progress with my physics classes, this could start a department knit along?
A department wide knit along would be the coolest!
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