What is it about us crocheters and knitters that compels us to hold onto projects we have no intention of completing? I’m always convinced that maybe one day I won’t hate that sweater anymore. Or maybe that blanket I started four years ago as a house warming gift for a friend, who has since moved again, should be finished even though it probably won’t match her decor anymore. C’est la vie!
I feel as if we need to declare a national “Finish and Toss” week. We’ll all band together, knitters and crocheters alike, for emotional support as we make the hard choices and say goodbye to that baby bunting we made for a little boy, who is now five years old…
You can find more knitshame here and if you’d like to share some of your own, link back to this post or email us at dr [dot] daisyespresso [at] gmail [dot] com and we’ll feature you next Monday.
~ Jac
It’s only disgraceful if you let it be.
I have a tunic I started about 20 years ago… I am NEVER going to finish it, I’d never wear it if I did… but It has it’s own basket. I promise to frog it when I have time.
I have a blue sweater like that! You’ll probably see it soon since Jac went around photographing all my knitshame yesterday. ::shudder::
I’m far too ashamed to photograph it!
Reblogged this on Yarn and Despair.
Im the same way with quilting. I have projects that I started over 10 years ago and can’t bring myself to continue or finish. I always have the intention to, but when I find time to craft, I usually find something else to work on. Maybe when Im old and retired haha :)
Jac has a quilt like that! I’m pretty sure it’s still in our Mom’s basement back in Indiana. She started it for me over ten years ago (God, I feel old!) when I went off to Americops for a year. It’s a running joke with us now.
“Guess what I got you for Christmas???”
“Is it that quilt you never intend to finish?”
Isn’t family grand?
After leaving one sweater in pieces forever because I decided I didn’t like it, the next one I knit and I didn’t like I IMMEDIATELY frogged – if only to make sure I didn’t ever ever ever ever get tempted to try it on again and horrify myself over how dumpy I looked in it! :)
Hey! At least you learned from your experiences. :D
I have a blanket I’ve been working on for 3 years. I hate it, I don’t want it, but I’m so close to done I just have to finish it. The goal is to finish it this year.
Don’t do it!!! Ha ha! I have finished some long ignored projects later on in life. You never know how your needs or interests may change. If you can believe it, I actually own an acrylic, crocheted afghan that my mother started to make for me when she was still pregnant with me. I was her soon-to-be 5th child, so you can imagine that she never finished it being as busy (and pregnant) as she was, but she stored it away in a closet. When I was in junior-high, I found it, and actually finished it! It’s one of my most treasured items: a cooperative effort between hopeful her and grateful me :) .