Doesn’t Megan-Anne look adorable? Even if she requested I keep her face out of the pic. Apparently, she is only allowed to be photographed after two hours of hair and makeup.

When I first started this piece, I had two goals in mind. The first and most important was to create a sweater inspired by a superhero that was designed specifically for a woman. The second goal was to make geek-attire that was more than just a logo slapped on a t-shirt or sweater – I wanted legitimate Nerd Fashion.
Only in the last few years has it become easier to find nerdy t-shirts for women. It used to be that if I wanted to wear a Spider Man t-shirt, I’d have buy it from the men’s section and then prance about in an ill-fitting garment. I always meant to pick up sewing and tailor those shirts, but who has the time?

I appreciate places like ThinkGeek, who carry shirts and hoodies in women’s sizes. They even have a swank Dresses, Skirts, and Leggings section now, but even most of those pieces bash you over the head with their geekiness. And while I’d love to have most of those garments in my closet right now, I also love fashion.
I want to live in a world where we don’t have to choose between fashion and showing our love for all things geek. We are getting closer to that everyday, but it’s still a “TARDIS on Leggings” type of place and most people can’t wear something like that to work.
So, I present to you the Wonder Woman Tunic, fashionable geek-attire. While this is still too casual for someone like Megan-Anne to sport at work, she can wear it without feeling as if she had to dress in cosplay just to express herself.
I’m hoping to complete the finishing work this week and begin adjusting the pattern for multiple sizes. Soon, Megan-Anne and I are hoping to open a Lattes and Llamas Boutique on Ravelry and I’ll put the pattern up for sale there.
~ Jac
It’s like putting on $300 elf ears to go to the grocery store.
THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. Please post when you put it on Ravelry because I would definitely make one and wear it. Very nice!
Thank you so much! I’m hoping to have it up by early February and I will definitely make a post about it. :)
Love it!
Very cool
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