Welcome to a new tradition at Lattes & Llamas — Camp Wannaknit, a summer camp where we can enjoy making awesome things out of yarn together! It’s been over a century, probably, since families began sending their children to summer camps, some for as long as two months at a time, to encourage good health, discipline, morals, and outdoor survival. Or, to be frank, just to get them out of the dang house, but that is neither here nor there. While we do believe that yarn could improve all of those things given the opportunity, my lawyer informs me that I can’t tell you Camp Wannaknit will change your sneaky Slytherin ways or stop you from indulging too much at your next BBQ cookout. What we can provide is an idyllic retreat smack-dab in the middle of your crazy summer!
What is Camp Wannaknit?
Camp Wannaknit is an online event that will begin on the first Friday after July 4th and end on the second Friday of September, which means it’ll run from July 6th to September 14th this year. You can participate as little or as much as your life will allow. Camp Wannaknit is designed to be your oasis of fun with new patterns, tutorials, and a slew of contests.
Yes, I said contests! Plural. Which means you’ll have multiple chances this summer to get your hands on some free yarn. Every Wednesday we’ll share a prompt on Instagram with the yarn that is up for grabs. To enter, you’ll need to follow Lattes & Llamas Yarn and post a yarny picture to Instagram inspired by that prompt with the hashtags #campwannaknit and #lattesandllamasyarn. Your photo can contain any yarn, not just L&L Yarn, or any pattern. We’ll announce the winner the following Wednesday.
Since Wednesday has already come and gone this week, we’re sharing the first prompt today!
Not on Instagram, but you still want to participate and win free stuff? Don’t worry we got you covered.
The Ultimate Giveaway
Join the other campers on our Ravelry forum to share what you’re working on this summer. It could enter you to win the ultimate prize, an Advent Yarn Calendar!
“Add 25 days of yarn-fueled joy to your holiday season with an Advent Yarn Calendar! The set includes 24 different 92-yard mini skeins and one 460-yard hank of Vacation Yarn in tonally variegated colorways, all especially hand-dyed to work harmoniously together. Each skein is individually wrapped and labeled for you to open one every day in December leading up to Christmas Day, some of which will include small goodies and a new project bag!”
I know. I know. How dare I mention December or Christmas in the middle of summer, but bear with me here. By the time we’re announcing the winner on September 14th, our Advent Yarn Calendars will be about to open for pre-order again. Wouldn’t it cool to know that you’ll be able to get your hands on one and not have to worry about them selling out?
Also, just because we’re talking about it, I am freaking excited about our new Advent Yarn Calendars. A lot of work goes into making them, and I’m really happy with how they’re turning out so far. We’ll have more than two types this year and the option for you to glance behind the curtain to see the yarn itself if the idea of buying sight unseen freaks you out.
Want to know how you can get your hands on the ultimate prize? To enter to win all you’ll need to do is post a project picture of a Camp Wannaknit pattern to THIS FORUM THREAD. You’ll get an additional entry if it is:
- Knit or crocheted with Lattes & Llamas Yarn
- Made with the limited edition Camp Wannaknit colorway
- Contains one of the Instagram prompts
You can enter to win with as many Camp Wannaknit projects as you want. It’s the first time in your life that cast-on-itis will be rewarded.
Camp Wannaknit Patterns
We’ll be releasing eight patterns during Camp Wannaknit. Each one will be on sale for 48% off for 48 hours after its release. We’ll have a wide variety of types of patterns for you to choose from, everything from a flowy a-line tee to handwarmers to a pillow sham. Most of the patterns will have accompanying tutorials so you can brush up on old skills or learn something new this summer.
EDITED TO ADD: Smoke Rings (a brioche mitt knitting pattern), Jughead (a brioche hat), and the Camp Wannaknit Tee are now available!
Camp Wannaknit Colorway
The shoots of blues and khaki will remind you of days spent out on the lake in a canoe while the pine green and speckles of orange take you on a nature walk that will get you excited to roast marshmallows over a fire. No matter if you’re in the Crochet Cabin or the Knit Cabin, this limited edition yarn has your fingering, sock, and worsted weight needs covered. Available on three different bases, the Camp Wannaknit colorway is perfect to take on Vacations, Adventures, or stay indoors with you while you enjoy your favorite Fandom.
Whew! That was a lot of information. I didn’t feel like it would be when I sat down to write this post, but here we are. Whether you participate on Instagram, Ravelry, all of the above, or just enjoy our Camp Wannaknit posts, we hope you’ll have a blast with us at summer camp this year!
My parents never sent me to summer camp, but my middle school did send us on a week-long field trip to one. The camp spent the entire week teaching us how to survive in the wilderness, and on the last day they dropped us in the middle of the woods in small groups and made us use our skills to get back to camp. My group got severely lost since I was too shy to take charge. Apparently, I had been the only one paying attention over the past seven days. Right around the time they started making jokes about setting up camp for the night and making lean-to’s to sleep in, I lost it. I told them all to shut up and follow me. I lead them straight out of the forest, just in time to see the camp counselors closing down the lunch line, not realizing that there were still kids in the woods. I got my hotdog AND extra chocolate milk.
And that’s the origin story of how I became the bossy woman I am today.
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