Who would win in a hotdog eating contest, Yoshi or Pac-Man? Tick question. Neither. Kirby would inhale all of the hotdogs, the plates and table, Yoshi, Pac-Man, and the chairs they sat on all in one breath. Then, his health would replenish and he’d be like, “Gosh and gee willikers, that was a nice snack! I’ll have ten more of that please.” Because Kirby is cute and innocent and cheerful with a voracious appetite. Basically, he’s an animated version of me when I ran into the Girl Scouts at the mall the other day.
Hahaha, just kidding! I totally hunted down those Girl Scouts. Did you know they have an app for that now??? It’s changing my life for the awesomer. No more tears for me, waiting until I see my supplier (A.K.A. my adorable niece) until March.
Even though Kirby didn’t make it into the top 25 video games on our Leaderboard, Megan-Anne and I still adore him. We didn’t have any of his video game growing up, but we did enjoy playing as him on Super Smash Bros. He was one of the starter characters, and I was a big fan of his super sweet flying skills and ability to copy enemy attacks.
BirdNerd-Knitter loved him too and nominated him:
How could I forget Kirby?!?! Although we love any Kirby game, the Amazing Mirror is one of our favorites.
Post Edited for 5 Year Anniversary
This post has been edited to add an updated version of the Kirby pattern to celebrate five years of geeking along. The graph is the same, but the pattern now includes more information. You can download the new Kirby pattern by clicking the link. Instructions for both knit and crochet are now listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong! This now concludes the edited portion of this post.
If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and a tutorial on crochet here. Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here.
~ Jac
“Stop eating me, Jacquline! It’s not fair. I’ll tell mom.” “How are you gonna tell her if you’re in my tummy!” ::WILD MANIACAL LAUGHTER::
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Love it. Following GAL for the first time. Is there a pattern for the star square shown above too?
Absolutely! It’s the tribute to Mario Kart. We released it two weeks ago. :D
Do you guys have a tutorial for how do do these in doublesided crochet? Your tutorial linked is just for basics.
I’m sorry. We don’t have a tutorial for tapestry crochet right now. It’s on our to-do list after Megan-Anne has her baby and things normalize around here. Do you know how to change colors in crochet? It’s the same concept, but you instead of cutting the yarn or running the nonworking yarn behind your work, you crochet right over it, as if were part of the top of the sc.