Lattes with Dr. Llama

I am Doctor Megan-Anne Llama and this the premier of our* new web series, Lattes with Dr. Llama! Join me and I’ll teach you how to make a coaster over the next 4 weeks. During the process we’ll cover slip knots, casting on, the knit and purl stitches, the stockinette and garter stitches, and casting off.
coaster coffee beaker
In 4 short videos, you too could make this coaster.

Without further ado:


If that wasn’t enough for you, here is a photo walkthrough of how to cast on:

cast on 1 cast on 2 cast on 3 cast on 4 cast on 5

~ Megan-Anne

Knit fast, die warm.

*Jac shot and edited the videos.

5 thoughts on “Lattes with Dr. Llama

  1. Pingback: Coasting Along | Lattes and Llamas

  2. Pingback: Lattes with Dr. Llama: How to Knit | Lattes and Llamas

  3. Pingback: P-Purl it real good. | Lattes and Llamas

  4. Pingback: How to Knit for Beginners | Lattes and Llamas

  5. Pingback: The Summer of Crochet | Lattes and Llamas

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