Tag Archives: knitting

2017 Geek-A-Long: Doctor Fate

Doctor Fate is a helmet. Straight up, this superhero sorcerer is just a helmet. Hence, [...]

SOCK Club: Kaylee’s Box

The Powers-That-Be at L&L have decided that it’s been long enough since the first installment [...]

2017 Geek-A-Long: Ant-Man

I have a love/hate relationship with Ant-Man. On the one hand, everyone who has ever [...]


2017 Geek-A-Long: Black Canary

Howdy, my fellow Geek-A-Longers! Megan-Anne and I are kicking off Shark Week by arguing about [...]

2017 Geek-A-Long: Loki

I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t this year all about superheroes? Loki is a villain [...]

L&L Book Club: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

Week two of the L&L Book Club is underway and I couldn’t be more thrilled [...]


2017 Geek-A-Long: The Atom

Before Marvel released the Ant-Man movie two summers ago, The Atom was the best-known shrinking [...]

Prize Winners and the Pebble Skipping Hat

As I type this, Megan-Anne and I are in a hotel in Pittsburgh. It’s the [...]


L&L Book Club: Merry Christmas Alex Cross

Welcome to Christmas in July! Our MKAL is underway and on the Ravelry Hot List [...]


2017 Geek-A-Long: Ms. Marvel

It’s easy for legacy heroes to be younger, hipper copies of their older counterparts. Think [...]