I am not a Dice Goblin though that often surprises people. A Dice Goblin amasses a huge collection of dice and keeps them in a fish tank or some equally ludicrously chaotically jumbled container. I am more of a dice connoisseur. I don’t hoard dice and carry around a backpack full of shiny math rocks. I have a reasonably sized and beautifully embroidered pouch for them. I prefer to keep matching sets together and select certain sets for each character, adding a few extras for any spells I might have. I have a lovely little folding mat to roll them on and keep them from going across the table into other players or mugs of my extra frothy signature lattes. I am, after all, a proper lady. When I started playing I had some cheap sparkly dice, a printed character sheet, and several books. Now I have several beautiful sets of metal dice, a little mat, and a tablet. It all travels very well.

We’ve reached the 1/2 way point of this year’s GAL, and we are celebrating the dice that choose our fates! Most exciting of all, this is the point in your knitting journey that you’ll separate the body and sleeve stitches, and be able to try on on your sweater. That first try on of a Work In Progress is always magical for me. I hope it is for you too.
If you are just joining us, make sure to start at the project sheet and steek tutorial. We’re running on a different schedule than usual this year, and clues will be released every other week, with each release containing a larger portion of the pattern:
- Clue 1 – Cast On and yoke increases
- Clue 2 – Remainder of yoke
- Clue 3 – 1st half body (woohoo, that’s today!)
- Clue 4 – 2nd half body (releasing 7/28)
- Clue 5 – Sleeves (releasing 8/11)
- Clue 6 – Collar and finishing (releasing 8/25)

I am jealous of Jackie’s amazingly detailed carved wooden dice box and 3D printed collapsible Ivory Tower, sure, but that’s only because I hadn’t seen it before this last weekend since her husband just printed that dice tower a week ago. Unlike Jac, I don’t believe in dice jail – though I’m forced to admit the tiny dunce hat and timeout chair she has for punishing the dice that offend her is adorable. Frankly, it doesn’t matter what dice I use, the rolls are going to fall well below average to the dismay of statisticians everywhere. This is the reason my DM has started letting me roll the saves for the bad guys I am trying to cast spells on. My spells have become much more effective since this policy was introduced. My husband always keeps his with the 1 facing up on the premise that if any given dice will spend roughly an equal amount of its life with each number facing, he will run out the clock on the time it spends with 1 facing when he isn’t using them. He has been known to fling other people’s unlucky dice across the room and gift them a replacement. He claims to have ‘fixed’ three dice this way.

View the Natural 20 Sweater: Clue 3 by clicking the download button below. When you download the pattern from our website instead of through Ravelry here, you will NOT receive automatic updates. You will have to come here and download the next clue every time. Please download it via Ravelry if you are able, so you have immediate access to the clues as they are released and any errata that may appear.
May your hits be critical, your HP high, and your creatures charmed.
If you enjoyed this post, please consider making a donation to Child’s Play Charity. Here is a direct link to our official donation page benefiting the charity. Please help us raise $1,000 this year. No contribution is too small! Wanna make your donation go even further? Lattes & Llamas will donate $1 for every skein of Geek-A-Long Yarn purchased. Ask your local yarn store to carry GAL Yarn or get it through our website.