I can’t stop wearing this sweater. Even Mabel the Merciless wants to wear this sweater.
I should probably wash it, I’ve been wearing it for a week straight, but I’ve decided to just lean into the “I just fought a bog hag” smell.

The iKnitiative Cardigan released today on Ravelry, and you can get in on the adventure for 20% off -no coupon code needed- through March 8th.
buy now without logging into Ravelry.
The Bog Hag stares down your party, and as you meet her eyes you can’t help but see the glint of her nefarious plans. “Put down the yarn, Adventurers, or face my wrath!” she shrieks, brandishing a wicked looking, ornately carved knitting needle towards you.
You clutch the yarn-of-knitting to your chest. This +1 magical item is the only one of its kind. Your party risked life and limb to claim it from the Dark Wizard’s tower. Now, just as you thought you had escaped with your treasure, a final guardian stands between you and the completion of your quest! Without this yarn, the King of the Realm will not be able to save his daughter from a horrible curse (because he needs to knit a swatch-of-healing, obviously).

You feel a flutter of motion as the party’s rogue slips back into the shadows. Stockinette, the half-orc barbarian, draws their sword ready to lay waste to the hag. You smile, because this is what you live for.
You roll for iKnitiative.