Beating Heart Tee

Beating Heart Tee pattern 1

I’m thumping with excitement to announce that the Beating Heart Tee pattern is released and ready for download just in time for Valentines Day!

To celebrate its release, you can knit this magnificently anatomically correct tee for 24% off for 24 hours. No coupon code is needed, the discount will apply at checkout. The Beating Heart Tee has TWELVE sizes ranging from a 28 inch bust to a 68 inch bust. Sale ends on February 2nd so don’t miss out!

This is the Valentine’s Day look you’ve been waiting for. Gone are the days of saccharine sweet gingham dresses with tiny glittering hearts. You’re not waiting around for someone else to bring you mediocre chocolate. You are a fierce, independent woman who buys her own chocolate (and the good stuff too) whenever she damn well pleases, and you are way beyond wearing your heart on your sleeve.

No, madam, you wear your heart on your yoke, and you wear it awfully well. This is the Valentine look for all of us ladies that know if our partners need Hallmark to tell them today is the day to make a romantic gesture, it’s time to find a new partner, but that that’s no reason not to have a little fun, dress up, and enjoy the holiday. Live your best life, with or without a Valentine.

Don’t forget to share your progress photos on Ravelry and Instagram using #BeatingHeartTee, #BeatingSweater, and #Lattesandllamas, and tag me @Doctor_llama So I can admire your work! A knitter as badass as you deserves an adoring audience.


May February bring you amazing knits, 1/2 price chocolate, and 28 round the clock days of loving yourself.

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