Testing submissions for the Beating Heart Tee are now open on the Ravelry L&L forum! Details are at the bottom of this post. Please note that to apply to test you must post on the forum, commenting here will not count as a testing application.
Hello, my name is Megan-Anne, and I have knit shame. I have not finished all of my 2018 Christmas present knits. I came SO CLOSE this year, but didn’t quite make it. I made big knitting promises, and thought for sure I could get it all done. In the end, I wound up buying a gift for one Aunt I planned on knitting for, and my sister-in-law, I gave a shameful IOU. I’m making her a Gertrude Cardi, it’s actually the 3rd I made for Christmas this year. I made a prototype of it for my mom:
Then, I made the pattern sample, which went to my aunt:
And I cast on a 3rd with the best of intentions for my sister-in-law, but wound up not having enough time to finish the gloves I was making for Jac and the sweater:
So here we are, half way through January, and I’m forced to shamefully admit the sweater isn’t done. I really do mean well, but I am a long time sufferer of Castitonitis. Why finish what I’m working on when I could start something else?! In this case, it’s because inspiration for a Valentine themed sweater struck me just as the New Year rolled around. And I knew that I really ought to finish Steph’s Christmas present, but what’s the point of making a sweater adorned with anatomical hearts if I can’t release it in time for you to wear it on Valentine’s Day? So, I promised myself I would finish the cardi at the same time, and cast on my Beating Heart Tee. Spoilers: did not finish the cardi at the same time. But, now my tee is done, and ready for testers, and I am definitely going to finish that present this week. Definitely maybe. ;) I’ve got color work yoke fever and I’ve already picked the yarn for my next project.
So I need you guys to be my accountabilibuddies. If you see me in the wild, or on instagram working on my Queen Bee Sweater (seriously though, how great are those colors?! even as I write this and telling myself I’ll be good, I’m dying to cast it on), remind me that I’m supposed to be finishing Steph’s sweater. She gave me some truly amazing Christmas presents and I gave her an IOU. So this is my pledge. You guys test the Beating Heart Tee for me, and while you’re doing that I’ll finish the Gertrude Cardi. Mabel the Merciless turns 3 in 9 days (THREE! WHEN DID I GET OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE A 3 YEAR OLD??!!) and I’ll see Steph at her party, and there is no excuse for me not to have it done. I’m counting on you to help keep me honest because my casting on willpower is basically measured in negative numbers.

The Beating Heart Tee is one of those garments that you can easily dress up or down to suit your tastes. I’m in love with how it looks with a jean jacket, but it would be just as good with a skirt and pearls. Knit up in Geek-A-Long Yarn, it’s a fast, economical knit. At most you’ll need 3 balls of your main color and 2 of your contrast color. You could knit it with long sleeves if you wanted, but I think it’s just perfect as a tee. It features anatomical hearts, as well as a traditional heart fair isles motif. It’s knit in the round from the top down, and once you finish the color work yoke the rest of the sweater flies off the needles. Seriously, I spent maybe a week on the yoke, though that included time spent adjusting the pattern, and easily less than 3 days on the rest of it.
Sizing on the sweater runs from 28″-63″ bust. One of the things I want to work on this year is being more inclusive on sizing, so expect to see sizing through at least 62″ moving forward. I’m especially interested in finding testers that can test the largest sizes. You can find all the project details and apply to test on the L&L Ravelry forums.
I hope you’re all having an awesome 2019, and I’m super excited to share all the projects I’ve got planned for the year!
“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! –tear up the planks! here, here! –It is the beating of his hideous heart!” -Poe
Awesome! I don’t have time to test knit this one but I will be buying the pattern when you release it! (And happy almost birthday to Mabel the Merciless!)