The only way to go from here is up!
But this is not my first time at the crappy-week-rodeo. I won’t dare tempt the fates by saying anything along those lines, because my week hasn’t even gotten close to rock bottom. Still, in just the last seven days I had a vein blow in my hand that made me unable to type or knit while it healed*, one of Mr. Llama’s coworkers passed away suddenly, AND I got in a car accident wrecking our shiny new yarn-mobile. I love that van. It could hold SO. MUCH. YARN.
Most importantly, no one was hurt. Mabel the Merciless wasn’t with me, so I don’t have to worry about her being traumatized. I heard back from the insurance adjuster today, and it’s getting fixed, but will take a few weeks.
I didn’t realize how much I took the space in my yarn mobile for granted. I wish I had a photo of me standing by the side of the road next to the mountain of stuff I took out of the van before they towed it. I still managed to leave a bunch of stuff I now want in it. The police officer that responded to the accident literally laughed when I just kept pulling things out.
Oh, this? No worries officer, that’s just four suitcases full of yarn in case I need to do a surprise trunk show. What’s that? Oh, doesn’t EVERYBODY keeps a mannequin in the trunk…
Honestly, this week can’t be done soon enough. Right this moment, I have brownies baking, a new completely unseasonable hat on my needles, and a giant backlog of Steven Universe to watch. I have formally declared today Friday. Everyone is excused from adulting tomorrow. Should anyone’s boss take issue with the weekday scheduling changes, I think this post probably counts as a doctor’s note.
*The Phlebotomist told me it was her first day. She couldn’t get a vein in either arm and asked if I minded if she used the back of my hand. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have been surprised by the blown vein.
This week I’ve been reading…
I’ll be honest, I haven’t been reading the way I should, or want to, this week. It’s been more of a veg-out-and-watch-Teen-Wolf sort of mood for me. But there is one thing that makes me feel great no matter what, and that is The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! I started reading it in issues, but now I mostly wait for enough issues to come out for there to be a new volume of the hardcover trades. First of all, the hardcovers look fancy on my shelf, as if it were the shelf of a fancy person. Second, I’m sort of hard on all the things I own. I don’t want to be, but I’m usually the reason we can’t have nice things. So if a more durable option is available for something, that’s what I go with.
It’s kind of hard to describe Dorreen Green, who is part girl and part squirrel, in a way that really does her justice. Well, it’s hard for me, but lucky for all of us Ryan North kills it. Doreen is a college student studying computer science. Her roommate, Nancy, is an avid knitter and cat enthusiast. Squirrel Girl is here to kick butts and eat nuts. I cannot recommend the comics enough. And do not skip the footnotes at the bottom of each page. They are well worth the squinting.
Also, I saw Avengers: Infinity War, and I’m not going to say much on it, because spoilers. But I will say that as I left the theater the nagging question for me is
Why didn’t Tony Stark call Squirrel Girl?!
Seriously, she took out Thanos years ago.
Currently on my needles…
It’s summer for reals now, so clearly, I want to make cozy hats. I have a new one on the needles now, that will be a part of a class I’m teaching at Woolbearers in New Jersey on June 9th. I’ll have a beginner’s double knitting class in the morning and an advanced class in the afternoon where we’ll be going over all the techniques in my cozy new hat. The hat pattern comes with the class, so if you’ll be around, contact Myra at Woolbearers to register and come hang out!
Funny story, everybody thinks that photo of my earflaps is actually a yarn thong in progress. I didn’t realize how much interest there is in such a thing. If nothing else, I’m always happy to roll with the woolen zeigeist of our people. So I guess I’ll put together a class on yarn thongs too. We can all meet up on the beach later this summer and make one.
Speaking of things you can make on the beach, I am absolutely DYING to tell you about our next mission in the Lattes & Llamas Society for Knitterly Cryptid Studies. We wrapped a few weeks ago on the Nessie Expedition, and tomorrow Jac is going to be formally announcing our next adventure. This one time I’m not going to spoil it for her by announcing it on book club. Well, anyhow, I won’t 100% spoil it.
Serioulsy though, no one was hurt and I am fine. I’ve been missing my ride the last few days, but a little walking is good for me. Also, the carnival came to town so I’ve been drying my tears on an endless supply of funnel cakes. A week can’t be truely crappy when its got funnel cakes.
Yikes! I’m glad no one was hurt, and hope that the weekend (and next week) bring you lots of good to balance the less-than-stellar week this has been!
Unless you know the phlebotomist really well, you can ask for another one. I only allow 2 unsuccessful sticks before making the request…and I am an older white woman with rolling veins!