When we released the original Street Fighter square for week 47 of the 2016 Geek-A-Long, I knew we would make this square one day. Actually, I had planned to use either Chun Li or Cammy since they were my favorite characters to kick ass with, but I’m not one to ignore a request:
“I have one more suggestion! Not sure if this post belongs here exactly, because I’m not about to fight for it, as such… But as there is a Ryu Street Fighter square, and since that design is mid-hadouken, I would love love LOVE to have an opposing Ken square to match it up with (I’ve decided to choose my favourite past squares to make up my first blanket, and i’ve never been so happy to be late to the game, my options are fruitful!). I know you’re doing “revisited” squares every other week, so maybe you might consider this one? Again, sorry if this isn’t quite the thread for this comment, but it seemed close enough to fighting for a fandom that this seemed close enough!
P.S. DrLlama & Co., thanks for everything you’re doing with this group, I know it’s a lot of hard work and I deeply appreciate it!”
-QuiantTreasure’s Fight For Your Fandom nomination
If you skipped over knitting Ryu in 2016 and are super hyped to knit / crochet Ryu and Ken for your blanket this year, I have good news for you! The original Street Fighter (Ryu) pattern has been updated to include more information and a new chart to to make Ryu’s headband red. In the new Ken square, which is at the end of this post, it contains a second chart to make his outfit red as well. If you decide to knit these two squares, I highly recommend that you ignore our original color choices (Black for the MC and Blue for the CC) for Ryu. Instead, I would use the recommend colorways in the Ken pattern for both of them. If you’re knitting the “recommended size” in Fandom Yarn, use Asylum (light silver-MC), Palpatine (black-CC), and Kamala Khan (red-DS). If you’re knitting or crocheting on hard mode with Geek-A-Long Yarn, I would use Invisible Jet (MC), Gotham (CC), and Bottle City (DS).
Back in 2016, we had a friend write a guest post for Street Fighter. While Megan-Anne and I both did our fair share of button mashing and playing it at the local arcade when we were young, we weren’t as knowledgeable as our friend Dan. You can read the original post HERE while you’re there picking up your Ryu square to go with the new Ken pattern below.
Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can download the Street Fighter Revisited pattern here. Instructions and charts for both knit and crochet are listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong!
If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and a tutorial on crochet here. Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here.
~ Jac
Ken: You’re a hard man to find, Ryu. Everyone’s talking about you now.
Ryu: Long time no see. Still training?
Ken: Still good enough to beat you.
Ryu: We’ll see about that!
[Dialog from Street Fighter Alpha]* * * * *