Is there anything more inspiring than Steven Universe’s mom? No. No, there isn’t. And if you think there’s is, we’ll be inspired anyway! That’s why the knitters of the world believe in Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. And Steven!
Ahem. That went in a weird direction. Oh well. If all descriptions were thought out articles, there would be no captions. Based on Rose Quartz’s shield and sword, this is the perfect accessory for saving the world.
I’m mildly obsessed with Steven Universe. That show is hardcore. Plus, as a designer, it’s basically impossible not to be inspired by the characters. Rose Quartz strikes a deep chord with me, and back in December I designed the first version of the Rose Quartz Spring Shawl as a part of an MKAL. You can read more about that here and here. I’ve since updated the pattern with a little extra flare, and it’s ready for it’s reintroduction!*
I have designs for Peridot, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven underway. Starting with Rose Quartz was a no-brainer for me though. The idea that she gave up everything that she was to be a mom, and literally became Steven is intense. I had a rough go for a long time after Mabel the Mericless was born. I love her more than anything, but at the same time I struggled with not feeling good enough. This is a design that I worked on when all that was especially bad, and it means a lot to me. I’m in a much different place now. Mabel and I have a good routine and I was lucky enough to have a TON of support. So I want to dedicate Rose Quartz to all the moms that feel like they aren’t enough. You are.
I know that Mother’s Day has come and passed, but I really wanted to do something special to honor mom’s with this shawl. And since Memorial Day is right around the corner it seemed like the perfect storm for a big sale. We have the yarn you need to make the shawl set at over 15% off through Memorial day AND the pattern is available for just $0.99 though Memorial Day as well! You don’t need a coupon code for either sale. When you add the pattern to your Ravelry cart, it will discount automatically and the yarn is already marked down. Jac put together some gorgeous color trios to help inspire you. You can get the pattern by clicking the ‘buy now’ button below, and while it downloads you can scroll through the gallery of color suggestions and get ready to look as bad-ass as Rose Quartz!
Happy knitting! I can’t wait to see all of your #RoseQuartz shawls on Instagram.
*My guilty TV pleasures are too many to list here, but one of my guiltiest pleasures is Teen Mom OG. So, if you wallow in that with me, you’ll be familiar with Debra’s “song”. Every time I think the word “reintroduction” it plays in my head. Watch it. Now imagine MST3K watching it. You’re welcome.
Cool, that’s a really pretty shawl! Love the color choice, too. I also love the Elementary/Baskerville/Aqualad color scheme.