Fast forward way too many years later, my husband likes to tell me that I’d love Final Fantasy if I just gave it a try, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. Hey, there are a lot of great games out there and I still have to eat, knit, and dye yarn too. So, without further ado, here is my husband to fanboy about the franchise.
My first and favorite Final Fantasy is number seven. I remember renting it from Blockbuster and returning it thinking it was the worst. I grew up on platformers like Sonic and Mario. The deepest RPG I ever played was Pokémon, and Final Fantasy was too hard and too slow for 9-year-old me. I couldn’t even beat the first boss. Turned out, you needed to use potions to heal yourself – Who could’ve known? A year or so later, I was a little older and a little smarter. My friends always raved about FFVII, so I tried it out again. I was in love with the genre from there on.
It’s amazing how much time you have on your hands when you’re young. It works great with RPG games that you can sink hundreds of hours into. FFVII was a gateway for me into the genre. I went back and played the older SNES and NES games alongside new (to me) franchises like Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest, and even Super Mario RPG. I love these types of games, but I have to pick and choose what games I get since my time is so limited now. With Final Fantasy XV coming out in November, I know exactly which game is going to use up some of my vacation days.
Even if every game in the series isn’t a star, I’ll always go back to play the new ones. It’s the fact that every game is different, with a new story, characters, and mechanics, but many of the same elements follow through each iteration. The one that comes to mind immediately for me is the Chocobo. I’m always excited to see what the new Chocobos looks like and to hear the new song. To me, that combination of familiarity with originality is why Final Fantasy always keeps me coming back.
Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can download the Final Fantasy Chocobo pattern here. Instructions for both knit and crochet are listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to tweet or instagram your squares at me @jac_attacking or Megan-Anne @Doctor_Llama with the hashtag #geekalong!
If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and a tutorial on crochet here. Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here.
~ Jac
Can they really call it FINAL Fantasy if there are 15 of them?
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My daughter is upset that the new Final Fantasy has zero female playable characters. Not only that, but it pushed back the release date of Kingdom Hearts III.