Well, that’s not completely true, the cloning experiment I’ve been participating in is relatively time consuming too. I can’t believe how big I’ve gotten!

This time of year is crazy for everyone. Holiday knitting is well underway, and frankly, those pumpkin pies aren’t going to bake themselves. Speaking of pie, November means that another year of Geek-A-Long squares are wrapping up and my favorite annual ritual sacrifice is just around the corner. I have so much to be thankful for this year, and this month I want to do something special to show how grateful I am. So here’s the deal: every Thursday in November I’m going to drop a free pattern on you. Nothing lame either, these are premium, grade-A patterns, and all you have to do is show up. While they download, I hope you’ll consider taking a moment out to show some love to Child’s Play Charity. I’m starting out the month with a brand new hat design:
I designed the Go With the Flow Hat for a family member that is battling cancer. I’m lucky enough to be healthy, but a lot of people aren’t. Which is where Child’s Play comes in. I’ve written several posts about Child’s Play, and I encourage you to go read them (there are free patterns in most of those too!). The highlight reel is that they provide video games and consoles to children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters. Every year, Jac and I donate our Geek-A-Long blanket to their annual auction. I’m too pregnant to fly out to Seattle for the auction this year, but the blanket will be there. Every dollar donated helps them put games into the hands of kids that really need them, so please consider donating. Every penny helps, and you can access our donation widget HERE.
You can download the Go With The Flow Hat by clicking the link. It will download automatically. I hope that you’ll help me in supporting Child’s Play this month, and I’ll see you right here next Thursday when I’ll be sharing a fun new glove pattern with you. Finally, I leave you with 2 outtakes from the photo shoot for the hat.
My center of gravity is all out of whack these days. So I look really goofy trying to “pose”. I got it in my head that the best solution to this would be to emulate actual professionals. This is my Felicia Day:
Aaaaaaaand this is me pretending to be on America’s Next Top Model. You’re welcome.
Fear me, modeling world.