This year, there’s been slightly less abject fan-girling in this space, mostly because our scientists deserve to be treated with respect. And frankly, when your freshman GAL is “fandoms” and the sophomore is “mad science” you would expect a little less squeeing the second time around. But this week we are talking about Brainiac 5, so squee I will!
A long, long time ago, in a DC universe far away, Brainiac became obsessed with destroying Superman. Flash forward to a few Brainiac generations later and Brainiac 5 joined the Legion of Superheroes to atone for the sins of his great-great-grandfather. Both Brainiac and Brainiac 5 are highly accomplished scientists, but this week we’re giving props to the green-skinned-know-it-all that 12 year old me had a serious crush on:

Normally, this is where I would tell you that the Silver Age version is the one I want you to go check out. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a little bit of a comic snob. But I’m not afraid to confess that sometimes the revamp is better. If you’ve never had the pleasure of watching it, it is definitely worth a little YouTube time. (Sadly, it’s not currently streaming on Netflix). This is off topic, but X-Men Evolution is on Netflix, and it’s just as good. :) Oh, and I’m not the only one impressed by Brainiac 5’s total hunkiness; Supergirl is dating him in several of his story lines.

So for this square I focused mainly on the new Brainiac 5 as he was portrayed in the Legion cartoon. But I also tried to incorporate elements of the original Brainiac in the facial features and overall style. Even though I LOVE the WB Legion, I think it’s definitely worth paying tribute to it’s Silver Age Roots.
Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can download the Brainiac 5 pattern here. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to tweet or instagram your squares at me @Doctor_Llama or Jac @jac_attacking with the hashtag #geekalong, so we can all oooh and ah at it together.
It takes a real man to rock a pink jumpsuit.
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