Look, I need my yarn. You never know what you’re going to want for that next project, so really, having a massive dragon-like hoard of it is just me being practical. And economical! If I keep it on hand, then I won’t have to go buy new yarn for each new project. I can just get it when it’s on sale and save it for a rainy day. Apparently though, removing clothing from a bedroom drawer so that I could fill it with the “special yarn” (you guys know what I mean! The really good stuff.) was taking it a step further than Mr. Llama could handle:
Him: You have a box of yarn under the bed. Put it in there.
Me: No can do. That’s my zombie apocalypse back-up yarn. And this is my fancy yarn. They should be stored separately.
Him: Zombie apocalypse back-up?
Me: Well, the regular apocalypse yarn is in a bin in the office. That’s just the standard surviving-the-end-of-the-world-fibers. This is a carefully chosen selection of those yarns, in a convenient travel sized pack, in case we have to leave in a hurry.
So yeah, I think we can agree that’s a pretty normal thing to have.

Anyhow, Kev overheard me telling Jac we could get all the yarn at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, because they have a UPS table set up and I can just ship my new stash home to myself. (Genius!) And he seems to be under the very wrong impression that I don’t need more yarn. Silly, silly husband. You knew who I was when you married me.
It’s ok, our marriage survived my Christmas tree topper, and it’ll survive my stash. Let me know if you’ll be at the festival this weekend, I’d love to meet you! If you run into us there, we’ll hook you up with a free pattern of your choice from our Ravelry Store and enter you in a drawing for a free month of our S.O.C.K. Mini-Vacation Yarn Club, a yarn club for mini-skein lovers. To help us make sure everyone gets their stuff, just grab a pic with us when you see us and tag us in it on social media. That way we’ll be able to find you (digitally find you that is… I promise not to show up at your house) to get you your pattern and enter you in the raffle.
I love that he thinks there’s only one box of yarn under the bed.
love it!
My partner is an enabler, I’m happy to say! He gives me money when I say I can’t afford yarn at fibre events and tells me I have to get myself something nice. What a gem.
That said, he would never let me knit in bed. You win some, you lose some!
Have fun.
Should it scare me that I understand EXACTLY what you’re talking about with the zombie apocalypse back up yarn? ;)
I’ve just found your blog recently, and I’m thrilled. Love, love, love geeky blanket squares!!! Can’t wait to catch up and start following along.
Can’t wait to meet you this weekend.
See you soon! ;)
I love that you have that picture of Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day above your bed!
The cheesy romance picture from The Guild!! *SQUEE*
I mean, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to have a couple zombie apocalypse yarn stashes ready to go at all times.