But that’s not all! Since the only thing better than winning this bag would be to win it while it’s full of great stuff, Jac and I pooled our resources to fill it up for you.
To sweeten the give-away pot, Jac and I have each added two handmade items to the bag. From me, you will get a beaded scarf and a pair of the World’s Greatest Slippers, both knit by me.
From Jac, you will receive a hand stitched and stamped notebook to record all of your brilliant thoughts. I absolutely adore her notebooks and she doesn’t hand them out often, so this is a real treat. Additionally, you will get a ridiculously adorable amigurumi chick just in time for Easter.
And to cap it off we are including enough yarn to make 2 pairs of socks. I know right?! That’s a lot of loot.
But, Dr. Llama… Surely you aren’t going to give all of that away for free?
As usual, Caffenistas, you’re right! For a give-away this fabulous, we are going to make you work for it. We will raffle this bad-boy off on March 28th. That’s 3 weeks from today for those of you that don’t feel like looking at a calendar. In the meanwhile, you may gain entry to the raffle in one of two ways:
- Make a donation to Child’s Play and email us a screen cap of your receipt. The minimum donation amount is $1.00, but you do not need to tell us exactly how much you donated. Just show that you did it.
- Perform a Random Act of Kindness. Pics or it didn’t happen on this one. Do any kind act for any other person and send us a picture of it. This can be as small as helping someone carry in their groceries to as big as making an ongoing volunteer commitment at a homeless shelter. The sky is the limit so please bring your creativity. :)
E-mail your pictures to dr.daisyespresso [at] gmail [dot] com or blog about it and link to this post. You have until midnight of March 31sr, 2014 EST and the winner will be announced the following day. I can’t wait to see what you come up with Caffenistas!
**** The Giveaway is now closed! ****
“Rooting out the insidious forces of normalcy is one of my main life objectives.”
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There are never enough knitting goodies but these will surely make a positive impact.
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