This is the last installment of Dr. Llama’s “How to Knit for Beginners” series. If you followed her through Parts One, Two, and Three, you learned how cast on, knit, and purl. You should now be ready to finish off your coaster. Watch the video to learn how to cast off you knitting and weave in those ends.
If you’d like to see the coaster pattern featured in the video and a brief introduction to reading patterns, you can find both of them here. If you’d like to see the techniques slowed down even more, here is a photo walkthrough:
Knit the first stitch like normalYou now have one stitch on your needleKnit the next stitch so that you have a total of two stitches on you right hand needleInsert your left hand needle into that first stitch as if to purlNow pull it over the second stitch on the needleLeaving you with one stitch on the needle againKnit the next stitches so that you have two stitches on your right hand needle againYou are going to repeat the same thing you did earlier. Insert the left hand needle into that first stitch as if to purl. Pull that stitch over the second stitch and off the needle. This will leave you with one stitch on your right hand needle again.
Repeat this across the row and you will bind off your coaster.
[polldaddy poll=7753241]
~ Jac And by “inappropriate,” I think you meant “fabulous.”