The Powers-That-Be at L&L have decided that it’s been long enough since the first installment of the Society of Caffeinated Knitters (SOCK Club) to show off what was inside. This being the first box, we felt like it would only be appropriate to do Firefly! It gets guessed multiple times a year on the Geek-A-Long spoiler thread no matter the theme, and since the Geek-A-Long is the original Lattes & Llamas Knit-A-Long, we wanted to show it it’s due. (And we’ve been fans since the series premiere all the way back in 2002.) So for our first box we honored everyone’s favorite mechanic, Kaylee Frye!
When Jac and I sat down to plan the yarn, goodies, and pattern, we simultaneously said it had to be Kaylee’s parasol. A few people noted that maybe the Jayne hat would be the more obvious inspiration, and we dismissed it out of hand. You will have absolutely no trouble finding yourself some Jayne hat goodness out there in the Knit-o-verse. We’ve done it, everyone’s done it, and it wasn’t right for this club.
For the Society of Caffeinated Knitters, we wanted to create an experience that centers on exclusivity. The colors and patterns will be innovative, creative, and above all: special. The yarns and patterns won’t be available outside of the club for at least six months after a box ships, if ever.
Anyhow, getting back to my point, when I think special, awesome, and unique, I think Kaylee Fry. Her signature parasol reminds me of the way color pools on a sock.
Each box comes with an Adventure-Itinerary telling you about how the design came to be. Here is what we had to say about the incomparable Kaylee Frye.
Inspired by the iconic colors and swirl of Kaylee Fry’s parasol, this yarn is dyed to naturally pool and swirl around a project worked in the round. Each skein has been individually hand painted, and a very limited number were produced. As I designed the socks, I thought about what would really make Kaylee excited about socks. Sure, they aren’t a giant pink cupcake of a dress, but I think bobbles make them just as fun. The transitional length of the leg makes them easy to wear with any shoes, and they are perfect for keeping you toasty whether you are fixing engines or out on the town.
In addition to the yarn and pattern, our lucky knitters also received miniature replicas of the parasol for keeping shiny on the go, exclusive Kaylee themed stitch markers, and one of my new favorite products: Love & Leche body bars. I don’t want to go so far as to promise, since once I do we’ll decide on a fandom that we can’t find stitch markers for, but we plan to put themed markers in every box. The rest off the treats will be a surprise.
The next box ships at the end of this month, and since August is my birthday month, I got sole discretion over the theme. You can sign up now to get in on the fun. (The cut off date to get the August box is the 15th, so don’t wait too long!) I’ve also decided to wield my birthday immunity to drop hints all month long. I will not confirm guesses, so that everyone can play along guessing until the end of the month. Mabel is totally into it too. This is us, making our best clue faces:
She’s a little cranky here, since she got her 18 month vaccines this morning. But she’s never too cranky for clue face!
“You mean to say as in… socks?” “I mean to say.”