Did you spend last weekend with a permanent frown on your face as you scrolled through pictures of other peoples swag and general good times at STITCHES Midwest? I’ve been there. I recently had the flu instead of attending TNNA and was extremely grateful that I had planned on staying with family instead of renting a hotel room. But it’s okay, my fellow caffeine addicts. I’ve got your backs with a giveaway! Even if you couldn’t be there in person, you can be there in retroactive spirit.
We participated in the stitch marker swap while we were peddling our wares at STITCHES, and it was my second favorite thing about the event. My absolute favorite thing was getting to meet our Geek-A-Long peeps. Here’s Megan-Anne and a couple of the people we met irl:
We walked into STITCHES with 100 markers and swapped until we only had seven left. Even though, Megan-Anne and I were inclined to horde all of them for ourselves, we thought it would be cool to give them to you. So we laid out the 93 stitch markers we received from other people, took out a few favorites for ourselves, and then divided up the remaining ones into seven piles.
Some of us COUGH-Megan-Anne-COUGH tried to keep more than just a few and had to be talked down from stitch marker hoarder ledge. She started with over twenty in her pile and managed to narrow it down to these eight.
I really wanted the Toucan, but I lost my claim on it when I took the dinosaur and the super sweet wooden key.
And no, you can’t have that dino either. He’s mine. I will fight you. I can’t remember who swapped it with me, but if you’re reading this, Magical-Dino-Swapper-Girl, email me. I need a whole set of these.
And, while receiving a handful of neat-o stitch markers for free is pretty cool, we know it isn’t quite enough to sate your yarn show hunger. So each of the winners will also receive a mini-skein of our Coffee Break Yarn before it’s available to purchase in our online store!
Our kettle dyed Coffee Break Yarn has sparkle technology with 70% Superwash Merino, 20% Nylon, and 5% Stellina. You’ll have the chance to walk away with one of these seven colors: Kasterborous; Rohan; Jolly Roger; Citadel; The Darlings; The Shire; Mount Doom.
- Join our brand new Lattes & Llamas Ravelry group here.
- Leave a comment in the “STITCHES Midwest Giveaway” thread telling us what your favorite mini-skein project is – we’re always on the prowl for some great projects using minis. And that’s it!
- Seven winners will be chosen at random via a number generator.
- This contest is open to everyone on Earth. Sorry, everyone off planet! USPS doesn’t ship to you yet.
- The winners will be announced August 27th and contacted via Ravelry for their addresses.
Good luck, and my the odds be ever in your favor!
~ Jac
“Megan-Anne, we really should get around to making a Ravelry group.”
“We already have one of those.”
“That’s for the Geek-A-Long.”
Megan-Anne making a long drawn out groan followed by: “Fiiiiiiine.”
I like to knit and crochet amigurumi with mini-skeins but I also use them to make small flowers, etc as appliques for some of my sewing projects, especially for kids.