Have you ever enjoyed a soda next to a guy with milk, grabbed his cup on accident, drank it, and it tasted really gross? It’s not that the milk was gross, but when you thought it was going to be Coke, and your tongue just couldn’t even, milk just never tasted the same again. That’s basically my relationship with World of Warcraft. I like the game. It’s fun. But my ex was rotten, and WoW brought it out of him in the worst ways. He took it way too seriously, once causing us to miss Thanksgiving dinner because he wouldn’t log off. Now World of Warcraft will never be the same for me, just like that milk, but I don’t hold that against it. WoW gets a bad rap sometimes since it’s an easy way for people, who are a great big bag of dicks, to channel that dickiness at other people. If they played an mmo version of Chutes and Ladders, they’d find a way to be asshats there too. I don’t think anyone should blame Chutes and Ladders for turning into milk when we all just wanted a soda.
World of Warcraft brings people from all over the globe together to play a game that is whatever the individual player wants to make of it. When I first moved to Philly, I met my friend Erica during knit night at our local yarn store (R.I.P. Ewe and I). At the time, her boyfriend — now husband — was in the military and their primary form of communication was through regularly planned games of WoW. For a long time after Jac moved out here with me, she played on a regular bases with Alena (50% little sister, 50% L&L intern, 100% awesome). When I met Mr. Llama at a Halloween party, one of the first things he asked me was, “Horde or Alliance?” Sometimes I wonder if we’d be married today if I would have said Alliance.
World of Warcraft was number six on our leaderboards. It was nominated by Stacy78 who said:
I absolutely geek out over WoW, this is my all time favorited game and the only one I actively play as an adult.
I don’t even play the game much and I still love geeking out over it! Jac, Alena, and I had SUCH a hard time agreeing on this square. So to celebrate being half done with the 2016 Geek-A-Long, we are releasing two alternate squares! Yeah, you read that right. Unprecedented! Absurd! I like to use exclamation points in posts ’cause they bother Jac! Ha! Our square features the Horde symbol, but my original concept was to combine the two symbols:
But I was overruled. For awhile after showing Jac and Mr. Llama the square, the house was filled with the sound of them shrieking, “ONLY ONE!” So I separated them and made a chart for both the Alliance and the Horde. You can download the chart for Alliance, and the Combined chart here, the Horde chart (featured on our square) is below.
Whether you’re knitting, crocheting, or cross stitching this square, you can download the World of Warcraft pattern here. Instructions for both knit and crochet are listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to tweet or instagram your squares at me @Doctor_Llama and Jac @jac_attacking or with the hashtag #geekalong!
If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and a tutorial on crochet here. Want to hang out with other people making the blanket? You can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here.
~ Megan-Anne
And no, I haven’t seen the movie. The previews looked terrible. Although, I could be convinced to see it at the drive in. ;)
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as much as i loved the game, i hated the community on retail wow. They community put me off the game for a long time, i then moved to swtor which has a much better community
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