If you don’t know what Thankful Thursdays are, you can read more about that here and here. Jac and I are making these premium patterns free forever. All we ask is that if you have a few dollars to spare, please consider donating to Child’s Play Charity. They are working hard to improve the lives of children in hospitals and domestic violence shelters, and they need all of us to help them do it.

Everybody loves a throw pillow. They are squishy, cute, and let’s face it: They pull a room together. This design was inspired by the perfectly Martha Stewart decorations at my husband’s aunt’s condo. She lives at the Jersey Shore and was kind enough to lend us the place for weekend so we could have a mini-vacation. Everything was teal and white and adorable. I’m not a great decorator, so I have a lot of respect for people that are.
You can download the Boardwalk Pillows pattern by clicking the link. The PDF will download automatically.
I knit this guy up in Valley Yarns Superwash Bulky in Turquoise and White. It’s an incredibly squishy-rub-on-your-face-soft Merino. I hadn’t used it before, but really liked it. The pattern calls for 2 balls of each color, but I made mine with just one ball of each. I used every last inch of the yarn, so went with recommending 2 for safety. I leave it up to you on if you want 1 or 2 balls of each color for the project. I’ll see you back here next Thursday with another pattern!
My vacations depend on the kindness of strangers aunts.