We’ve been back from Maryland Sheep and Wool for about a week now, and it’s taken about that long to recover from the sunburns and general fun. My calves and my wallet still hurt.
I’m not overly fluent in internet, so I didn’t figure out I should be hashtagging MDSW until the end of the weekend. I know that considering what I do for a living you would think I would know these things, but honestly, I don’t spend that much time in forums. I literally only just learned what the “DN” in DNS/DNH/DND/DNW means, and those show up on our Ravelry group daily*. Anyhow, even though I didn’t do a great job of live tweeting (and let’s be real, no one thought I would ;) I did take lots of regular pictures. For your convenience I have included some background music for you while you scroll through the pics…
So with no further ado, cue the montage!

Oh. And this also happened:
It was an amazing show and I can’t wait to get back there next year! I’m going to be following up tomorrow with a little more on my two favorite booths. :D
*It’s “Dear Nerdy Son/Husband/Daughter/Wife” etc… The more you know!
Pingback: Yaks and Sheep and Hugs, Oh My! | Lattes and Llamas
Wow, what fun!! I really wish we had such great Festivals. I would not want to go home again. Maryland looks like a fun place to visit. I should add it to my list….. :-)
Thanks for the share.
I highly recommend it! We had a blast. :D