Happy Thanksgiving! I’m spending my day at my inlaw’s house eating myself into oblivion. Fun Fact: marrying into an Italian family really pays off at holiday meal time. I’m a little bummed this year that I won’t get to enjoy Black Friday shopping in all its glory, which is something I usually look forward to all year long. But Black Friday begins at 12:01AM on actual Friday and I refuse to shop at 6PM on Thanksgiving. I imagine I’ll still get all the stuff that I want, but I probably won’t get to elbow anyone for it, so it just won’t have the same magic.
I have a lot to be thankful for this year, and my gratitude-list just wouldn’t be complete without Misha Collins as Castiel. I had forgotten about this until we got our holiday decorations out, but last year I made this abomination to punk Jac:
We put up our tree last week and I stuck this guy on top of it. Then I was quickly informed that no, we won’t be displaying him in our home this year. I think that was just her way of telling me to make a better one though. So when she returns from Indiana, she will be greeted by a new and somewhat less creepy Cas!

You can cross “tree-topper” off your Black Friday list and make your very own Cas! Download the PDF Castiel Tree Topper and gather your scraps, because this is a great stash buster. I used leftover bits of yarn from other projects and you won’t need more than 50 yards of any of the colors. Special materials include floral wire to make the wings stand up and a printable iron on transfer paper for his face. You can get both at most craft stores. The hat is placed on top, not stitched on, (I did use a T-Pin though, to keep my Cas’ hat on since my cats like to climb the tree) and you could dress him up seasonally like a concrete goose.
So happy Thanksgiving guys, I hope you have a great one. Oh, and if you make your own Cas, make sure and tweet pics of him to Jac at @jac_attacking. She’ll LOVE it.
Our national bird was almost the turkey. True story.