My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
Week 35 brings us our final Avatar square: the Earth Kingdom. I’m sad in a way to be done with them. I get a real rise out of hearing that some of the GAL participants started watching Avatar/Korra after hearing about it here. So this is my last chance to tell you to go watch the show.
I mean, right now. Put down the needles and go watch it.
I saved the Earth Kingdom for last because Book 2 was my favorite. Season two introduced Toph, who was an amazing character. Her flaws were never downplayed, and I love that “blind” was never the flaw being highlighted. Really, the only thing ballsier than the writers’ handling of Toph as a child, was the way they handled her as an adult in The Legend of Korra. Seeing Toph grow up to be an absentee mom struck a real chord for me.
These characters feel like real people, and I’ve gotten very emotionally invested in them. There was some concern this year over whether Korra could continue past season 3 and I’m thrilled to say that as of now there will definitely be a season 4, even if it’s not on your TV. :D
Earth Kingdom
© Megan-Anne of Lattes & Llamas, 2014
Needles: Size US6
Yarn: Cascade 220 in 2 sharply contrasting colors.
Gauge: 10 sts over 13 rows = 2″ x 2″ square. Final square is 45 sts by 57 rows. Please note that in the written pattern I instruct you to knit the rows above and below the active color chart. These rows are shown on the chart as solid color rows above and below the design.
Download PDF of the color chart Earth Kingdom. Cast on 45 sts for each side of knitting (with two strands held together CO 45, for a total of 90 sts on needle).
Work 2 rows of double-sided knitting (knit the facing sts and purl the back sts across). Note that the first row is a right side row. You may choose to work the opposite color for the first stitch of each row (I do this), which will keep the edges closed. Alternately, you may choose to knit them without doing this and seam the sides when putting the blanket together. There is no “right” way to do this. It is really just what you are more comfortable with.
Follow color chart over next 53 rows in double-sided knitting.
Work 2 rows of double-sided knitting. BO.
Don’t forget to tweet or instagram them at me @Doctor_Llama or Jac @jac_attacking with the hashtag geekalong, so we can all oooh and ah together. We even have a fancy new GAL Participation Button you can put on your blog or your Geek-A-Long posts. You can grab the html out of the side bar or find it here.
If you’re having trouble with double-sided knitting, we have a how-to video here and you can find moral support in the Geek-A-Long group on Ravelry here. We’re even raffling off some sweet prizes for our members at the end of the year! You can learn more about it in the group or on the GAL Benefactors page.
~ Megan-Anne
“I’m already a hundred years late.”
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Is anything wrong. or are you on vacation, school. I haven’t seen your g]GAL for Sept. # 36 I think. Thank-you for having created this is so cool. I’m 82 haven’t taken time yet to master double knitting. its been a rough year loss of my husband of 61 years died,and problems with triggers fingers. surgery on 3 of them.mow left arms is paining and little finger & ring fingers numb. and arms pain is wicket. but I am going to beat this and catch up with you all. Blessing to all the gang. Gemo88 (Jeri Madsen).