Welcome to week two of the 2014 Geek-A-Long, a mystery blanket knit-along! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out the Geek-A-Long FAQ page. Then, meet me back here when you’re ready. For the old pros, let’s talk about the Legend of Zelda.
Zelda was one of my very first video games. After breaking my knee in a sports accident, I was stuck in bed for over 2 weeks. Jac dragged a TV into my room and set me up with an N64 for some sweet Ocarina of Time action. And I never looked back.
Later, once I started selling my yarn prowess on Etsy**, I received a custom order for infant costumes designed to look like Link and Midna. The proud father was kind enough to share this pic of his twins wearing them along with permission to publish it. It was one of my all time favorite things I’ve been paid to make.
So this week we honor The Legend of Zelda with a super-boss triforce design. I had a little trouble fitting it in the space provided on the square. The “wings” got a bit clipped, but I wound up loving the stylized effect it had. What do you think?
Post Edited for 5 Year Anniversary
This post has been edited to add an updated version of the Triforce pattern to celebrate five years of geeking along. The graph is the same, but the pattern now includes more information. You can download the new Triforce pattern by clicking the link. Instructions for both knit and crochet are now listed in the pattern. When you’re finished making it, don’t forget to Instagram your squares at us @lattesandllamasyarn with the hashtag #geekalong! This now concludes the edited portion of this post.
Don’t forget to post links to your finished squares so we can all ooh and ah together. And of course, hop on over to Child’s Play and show them your love*!
~ Megan-Anne
I feel fantastic.
*”Love” in this instance means money.
**EDIT (1/23/2014): We no longer have an etsy store, but you can find our new patterns in our Ravelry store.
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