Frack These Flowers

I wish I could update you on the financial aid situation, but I still don’t know how this will play out.  I’ll add an update once I do.  I’ve developed an actual ulcer I’m so stressed over it.  I’m not proud of that.  Even my knitting has turned into tiny tense stitches.


As of now, I’m doing my best to try and hold it together while negotiating a solution with the school, but it’s a challenge to ask for money and social change simultaneously.  I’m worried I’ll only get one or the other.

Jac’s flowers are coming along well. I thought I was almost done and then we went to see the florist, who LOVED them. She informed me we needed about 3 times as many as I planned on.  I’ve begun to develop an unhealthy relationship with the flowers.  I imagine one day I will look back on this semester and it will all seem funny.  For right now, frack these flowers.

It’s not all bad though.  For my birthday Kevin got us tickets to see Spiderman the Musical on Broadway.  I can barely contain my glee!  He asked me what show I wanted to see this year (in our newly minted tradition of seeing a musical for my birthday) and as much as I’m dying to see Book of Mormon, I don’t think Spidey will have a long run.  I want to see it while I can.

In the meanwhile, please enjoy this picture of Gambit while I try to keep a hold of my sanity.



Your friendly neighborhood knitter.

1 thoughts on “Frack These Flowers

  1. Pingback: Give your mom a flower | Lattes and Llamas

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