Hashtag Meowy Christmas

The craft show season is officially underway and we can’t afford to pull any punches this year. Momma needs a new set of text books.  Presentation is half the sell and I don’t just mean our table, people are there buying us more than stuff.

Which actually sounds kind of dirty now that I say it out loud.

In our eternal quest to ingratiate ourselves to the sweet little old ladies with a ten-dollar bill burning a hole in their pocket at a church craft fair, this year we invested in matching kitten sweaters.  Old ladies LOVE them some kitten sweaters.  This is Jac at our traditional pre-show pig-out at our local German restaurant, Otto’s.

meowy christmas

While I’m on the topic of show day traditions I bring you: CREEPY DOLL!

chili and creepy doll

Creepy Doll has been at every single one of our craft shows, and is one of my first projects.  At some point I tried to sell her, but she seemed to be scaring off the customers, so she was quickly relegated to behind the table.  Jac is somewhat less enamored with her than I am, but I am certain she is the secret sauce on our success omelet.  In the above photo, Creepy Doll is judging Jac while she eats the most delicious chili in the world.

I added a new scarf display this year so I wouldn’t take up so much space with them on my table.  That top row of braided infinity scarves went like cake at fat camp.

new scarf display

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about the most adorable child on the planet.  At the end of our last day at Saint Mary’s Christmas Craft Show, a little girl came in with her Dad and sister.  She wandered over and chatted with us while a table across from us finished a customized order for her Dad.  She introduced herself as Maribel and in 20 short minutes told us about every aspect of her life.  When her dad told her it was time to go she looks at him and says, “No, I think I’ll stay here with them.  Tell them where we live Dad, and they can take me home later.”  The look on her Dad’s face was magnificent.

And you know what?  I totally would have driven her home.  :)


Creepy Doll is my spirit animal.

2 thoughts on “Hashtag Meowy Christmas

  1. Pingback: A Very Supernatural Christmas | Lattes and Llamas

  2. Pingback: Who’s that girl? | Lattes and Llamas

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